Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Follow the Stars Home

In our home, my husband and I were always mindful and very careful about what we allowed into our children's minds.  We were especially careful about what we allowed them to watch on television.  Now that they are all grown up, we are still careful to guard our own hearts and minds regarding entertainment in our home.  There are so many things that influence the hearts and minds of children and adults these days.  We have access to so many devices.  It can become challenging to always know what we will be exposed to, but the one thing we can control is what we choose to watch on television.  One of the shows we enjoyed is Follow the Stars Home starring Kimberly Williams Paisley.  

Follow the Stars Home
Follow the Stars Home Image Credit:

Follow the Stars Home 

Starring Kimberly Williams-Paisley

Follow The Stars Home aired on the Hallmark Channel in 2012. I remember watching it when it aired and it has always been one of my favorite Hallmark movies.  It’s a touching a thought-provoking movie about a young woman, Diane Parker (played by Kimberly Williams-Paisley), who gives birth to a child with a severe birth defect. Diane’s husband, Mark (played by Eric Close), cannot handle the thought or responsibility of raising an imperfect child. When Diane decides to keep the child in spite of the baby’s "imperfections," Mark leaves them. Diane, with the help of her mother (played by Blair Brown) raises and loves her daughter, Julia, unconditionally. Mark’s brother, David (played by Campbell Scott), is a pediatrician who assists Diane with caring for Julia. In the meantime, David falls in love with Diane and he loves Julia as well.  David introduces a young girl from a troubled home (played by Alexa Vega) to Diane and Julia. The girl develops a close relationship with Julia and becomes her only friend, a true, devoted friend.

Does David express his feelings for Diane?

What happens to Julia?

What happens to Mark?

What happens to the young girl?

How does the movie end?

No spoilers here!  I highly recommend this movie. This is a movie worth watching with your entire family. It is a Hallmark Hall of Fame Film.  Use the time after the movie to discuss birth defects with your children and the value of ALL human life, BEFORE and after birth, and the value of life in spite of imperfections. Please support movies such as Follow The Stars Home.  Purchasing good, wholesome films expresses to producers and movie makers that those are the movies worth creating. Please take time to enjoy the movie!

Watch the trailer!

Follow the Stars Home
Follow the Stars Home

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