Saturday, November 21, 2015

It Is Well With My Soul: The Story Behind the Hymn

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Horatio Spafford
Image Credit:  Creator Unknown - Public Domain Image - via Wikimedia Commons
The words to the well known hymn, It Is Well With My Soul, were written by a Chicago lawyer by the name of Horatio Spafford. When Spafford wrote the heart gripping words to the hymn, he was not insinuating that all things were going well in his life. In fact, Spafford’s words were meant as a song of thanksgiving and praise to our God in the midst of deep grief and loss as a result of a series of tragedies that can only be imagined by most.

Horatio Spafford and the Song "It Is Well With My Soul"

In the 1860s, Horatio and his wife, Anna, lived in Chicago. The Spaffords were friends with D.L. Moody and were well known in Chicago for their support of the preacher. By 1870, in spite of a successful career, Horatio and Anna Spafford began to suffer a series of tragedies that would change their lives forever, beginning with the death of their son. His death was the result of Scarlet Fever at the tender age of four. Approximately one year later, a large portion of Spafford’s real estate holdings were lost as a result of the Great Chicago Fire. Spafford lost his life’s savings.

In 1873, D.L. Moody was planning an evangelistic campaign in Great Britain. Horatio, Anna, and their four daughters planned to join Moody. They were eager to help and eager to get away after suffering such losses. In November of 1873, the Spaffords traveled to New York in anticipation of boarding the French ship, Ville de Havre. Before the family sailed, Horatio was called back to Chicago in order to tend a last minute business development. Horatio did not want to spoil the trip for his family so he headed back to Chicago alone and sent his wife and daughters ahead to Europe. He planned to join them later. Nine days later, Spafford’s wife, Anna, sent him a telegram from Wales. The telegram read, “Saved alone.”

The French ship, Ville de Havre, had collided with an English vessel, The Lochearn, on November 22, 1873. It took only 12 minutes to sink, taking 226 lives with it. Anna’s last memories were of her daughter being ripped from her arms by the raging waters. She alone had been rescued from the debris. All four daughters died in the accident.

Horatio boarded the next ship out of New York to join Anna. During the voyage to Europe, the ship’s captain called Horatio Spafford to the ship’s bridge. It was there that the captain explained to Horatio that they were passing over the spot where his daughters had perished. Horatio returned to his cabin and wrote It Is Well With My Soul .
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
  • Refrain:
    It is well, with my soul,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

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Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

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Scrapbook from Manila File Folders
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living

Every time I try to get into scrapbooking, I get discouraged. I’m not especially creative and making a memorable scrapbook can be time consuming.   I enjoy digital scrapbooking because there is no mess and I can do it all right on my laptop by placing photos into premade template pages.

However, I do get the occasional urge to make a few cutsy scrapbook pages and try again. My problem is patience. I don’t have any.

Recently, I learned that some people make mini scrapbook albums from envelopes, paper bags, and manila folders.

These albums can be made within a few hours and they make great gifts with or without added photos.

Here is how I made mine:

 Make a Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

First, I obtained four manila file folders. It doesn’t matter if there are marks or writing on it because any imperfections will be covered with decorative paper.

I cut the tabbed edges from the folder so that all the edges match up evenly. Then, I opened the folder up and folded it upward to make a horizontal crease which resulted in four sections with creases. With scissors, I cut the folder up along the vertical crease, but only halfway. This is so that the pages will open up correctly while viewing photos. After I cut the folder, I folded up the flaps and then folded the folder together to make the first pages of my undecorated book. I did the same thing with three other manila folders.

After all the folders were cut and folded, I used a hole puncher to punch holes in the binding and then stapled the folders (pages) together. I’m glad I punched the holes before I stapled the folders together. Otherwise, the book would have been too thick for my stapler.

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Then, I flipped through and decided what I wanted each page to look like. I cut and trimmed to make packets on some pages while other pages folded down.

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Then, I decorated each page with coordinating papers. This particular book features a sports theme. Inside the pockets of my book, I added tabs. They look like book marks. I added decorative paper to one side where small photos can be applied. On the other side, I pasted white paper for journaling. Photos can be arranged on the pocket and back page and on the tabs. While viewing the photos, the tabs can be pulled out so that the person viewing the photos can read about the event.

Finally, I added two rings on the binding and I attached ribbons to the tabs. My book was finished. I made this particular book as a gift for a friend. She will add her own photos later.

These books are adorable and can be made fairly quickly. They make cute gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and even weddings. You can make one for vacation photos or you can make brag books for new parents and/or grandparents. The possibilities are limitless.

Helpful Hints:

Make sure you staple any pockets before adding decorative paper. Otherwise, the staples will show.

Use a quick drying glue. I used Modge Podge for decoupage because it last forever and dries quickly. However, this means you will have to place your decorative paper carefully and quickly. Once you place the paper, you won’t be able to remove it without tearing it off.

(Some people use glues sticks, but I don’t recommend it. Stick glue does not adhere well over time and you want this book to last.)

You can decorate the pages before stapling them together if you like. This way, you can get the decorative paper all the way into the inner binding. However, when I tried this with my second book, I ran into a few problems. I had forgotten to staple pockets together before attaching my paper. I also forgot to consider the binding when centering paper and placing journaling areas. I ended up having to trim part of a decorative frame off in order to make a page fold properly.

Don’t forget to cover the binding with paper for neatness.

Below are photos of my finished product.

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

Scrapbook from Manila File Folders

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