Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Learn All About Pandas – Book, Activities, and a Video

Pandas by James Maclaine. Learn all about Panda Bears! – Photo Credit – Usborne Books (Tina Truelove, owner of this blog, is an Independent Distributor for Usborne Books)

Pandas by James McClaine (An Usborne Book)

Pandas are interesting and beautiful animals.  Young children will learn a lot of interesting facts about Panda Bears when they read the book Pandas by James Maclaine.  As I read it with my preschool children, I was impressed at how well the book kept their attention.  It is an easy read with great illustrations.  Pandas is illustrated by Jenny Cooper and Richard Watson.  The authors of the book consulted with Professor David MacDonald, CBE at the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Zoology Department, University of Oxford.  The publication date is 2016.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
 Children learn about natural Panda habitats.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
I think this was our favorite part.  We leaned about Panda babies.  Did you know that Panda babies have almost no fur at all when they are born?  Panda babies are very tiny compared to the Mama Panda.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Look how this mother Panda bear is teaching her baby to climb a tree.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
We learned that humans who work with Panda Bears wear Panda suits so that they don’t confuse the bears.  This is very important when humans must prepare a Panda to be released into the wild for the first time.
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
In the back of the book, there is a glossary.  Use this to teach new words to your young readers.
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Teach children to use an index.  If they want to review something they’ve learned such as what Pandas eat, they’ll know what page to find the information.

This little book will be one of our favorites.  As of the date of this post, the book is only $4.99 to purchase individually.  It is also part of an Usborne Beginner Readers Set, the Beginners Animals Box Set.  This set would make a great addition to any classroom, homeschool, or home.

Usborne Books
Beginners Animals Box Set – This exclusive library contains 10 of the best-selling Beginners Animals titles, all with simple text and great illustrations, perfect for beginning readers. Includes: Bears, Dangerous Animals, Elephants, Farm Animals, Monkeys, Pandas, Penguins, Sharks, Tigers, and Wolves.

Get your boxed set here.

Pandas is also part of the Usborne Beginners Library Collection 1.

Usborne Books
Beginners Library Collection 1 – This collection includes the library edition of the following titles: Ants, Bears, Bees and Wasps, Bugs, Castles, Caterpillars and Butterflies, Cats, Dangerous Animals, Dogs, Eggs and Chicks, Farm Animals, Firefighters, Horses and Ponies, How Flowers Grow, Night Animals, Owls, Pandas, Planes, Planet Earth, Rainforest, Sharks, Tadpoles and Frogs, Trains, and Under the Sea.

Get the Beginners Library Collection here.

If you are interested in only purchasing Pandas by James Maclaine, get it here.

Where do Pandas live? What do they eat? Can Pandas climb trees? In this book, you’ll find the answers and lots more about the fascinating lives of Pandas.

This title is part of an exciting series of books for children who are beginning to read on their own. The easy-to-read text has been specially written with the help of a reading expert.
After reading the book, your children will love doing these Activities.

Make a Panda crown.

Play a Feed the Panda counting game.

Make a Fork Print Panda bear using a fork and paint.

Make Panda Bear playdough.

Make a Panda Bear using a cupcake liner.

Make a paper plate Panda.

Make a torn paper Panda.

Make a hand print Panda.

Make a black and white Panda Bear sensory bin.

Make a Panda Bear book mark.

 Here is a video for teaching kids about Pandas Bears.

For more information about Usborne Books, visit my Usborne website here.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Responding to God’s Voice – Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

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Responding to God’s Voice
Image Credit:  Wilmer Edson -Public Domain Image - via Freely Photos

Responding to God's Voice

The following is a short summary of week 6 of the Bible Study Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.  In the 6th week, we study the topic of Responding to the Voice of God.

Finally, I caught up and finished the last week of Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.  I enjoyed the Bible study but I missed several sessions during the last week due to illness.  Then, the Christmas season started.  Tonight, it’s done.  I’m kind of sad that it’s over.  This is one that I am likely to revisit.

The topic of week 6 is Responding to God’s Voice.  This one stepped on my toes more than I want to admit.  The previous studies were awesome but this week, I was challenged to search my heart and ask myself if I have been totally obedient when I do hear God’s voice.  It is one thing to hear God’s voice.  It’s another thing to respond to God’s voice in obedience.  Responding immediately is even more challenging.

On the fist day of the study, we learn that there is only one appropriate response when God speaks to us.
God does not just speak to be heard.  He speaks to be obeyed. – Priscilla Shirer
In Exodus 15:26-27, we are reminded that obedience leads to physical healing.

In Exodus 23:22, we are reminded that if we obey Him, He is an enemy to our enemies and a friend to our friends.

In Deuteronomy 31:12, we are reminded that we are to obey God’s law.

In Luke 8:18, we are reminded that for those who obey, more will be given.  For those who disobey, what they have is taken away.

In John 14:15, we are reminded that if we love Him, we will obey Him.

The second day of the study is a continuation of the first – there is only one appropriate response to God’s voice.

The third day of the study for this week confirms that our response can be costly.  When we commit to obey God, we must remember that our obedience might require challenging adjustments.

Abraham fathered a child in his old age.  Jesus’ disciples were asked to leave their families and give up all their possessions.  Obedience is the only appropriate response but it might be costly.  Prepare for adjustments.

Day four of the study focuses on our immediate response.
God speaks with perfect timing.  My response should be immediate obedience. – Priscilla Shirer 
When we don’t respond immediately to God’s voice, we might be sacrificing God’s full blessing.

In Luke 1, Zacharias was not able to speak because of his unbelief.

In Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira died because of their disobedience and lies.

Day 5 and the final day of this 6 week Bible study, we focus on “The Committed Response.”  We must not only respond immediately, but we must be committed to our obedience.  We don’t need a plan B.  We need only to listen, respond, respond immediately, and remain committed to God’s perfect plan for our lives.
Our spiritual ear will never be sensitive to His voice if we have a personal agenda to which we are already committed.  God leads and speaks to the humble who have surrendered their plans and want to do His will.  With an “open heaven” and a surrendered will, we will be able to clearly hear God’s voice in our hearts. – Jim Cymbala 
You'll find all my posts about this Bible study series here.

Get your copy of Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer here!

Responding to God’s Voice
This item is available here.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Senator’s Youngest Daughter by Kelley Rose Waller

The Senator’s Youngest Daughter
Image Used with Permission from the Author
*The Senators Youngest Daughter by Kelley Rose Waller was sent to me in exchange for my honest review.  I was not required to give a positive review of the book.

“Mom, I can tell by your facial expressions that you are really into that book,” said my daughter who was sitting right next to me as I read The Senator’s Youngest Daughter by Kelley Rose Waller.  She was right.  I was really into that book!  I’m not a politician but I’m surrounded by many family and friends who hold state and federal political offices.  The subject is interesting to me and this book certainly captured my interest.

The Senator's Youngest Daughter

Brenna McFerren is a former school teacher and the youngest daughter of Senator A. C. McFerren

President Scott Spencer has disbanded Congress.  There is no longer a Supreme Court.  His federal troops hover over citizens in major “gun-free” cities.  A powerful homeland terrorist group, the Army of Social Justice (ASJ) has kidnapped Senator McFerren.  He has been missing for 6 months, but Brenna has located the ASJ “base-camp” and she has spotted her father.

Brenna’s husband, Tate, who is also a politician leads the fight to rescue Brenna’s father and also rescue the Republic from the dictatorship rule of socialist President Scott Spencer.  Senator McFerren wife, Denise, and their other children also engage in the cause.  His daughter, Esther, who is particularly politically minded; his son, Ike and his wife, Reese; and a small band of trusted friends use their technical expertise, trusted connections, physical capabilities, and intelligent minds to power their efforts to bring down President Spencer and restore the nation.

The story highlights political issues from today’s headlines.  As I read through the pages of this fictional story, I could imagine how this scenario could happen in the real world.  I was brought right into the story, as if I were there with them in every scene – which is probably the reason my daughter noticed my body language as I progressed through the pages.  The suspense had me on the edge of my seat at times.  More than once, I thought, “What?!  NO!”  Then, I had to re-read the paragraph to make sure I read it correctly – like when I’m watching a movie and something I never saw coming happens.  I’m stunned and can’t believe what happened so I rewatch the scene to make sure I saw what I saw.  The realistic story, the politics, the characters, the suspense, and the comic relief made it difficult for me to stop reading.

As you read this story, you’ll relate to the headlines.  You’ll enjoy love stories.  You’ll loathe betrayal.  You’ll grieve great losses.  You’ll laugh.  You’ll rally for the good guys.  You’ll understand why socialism is wrong.

The book is written in first person present tense.  Some people have trouble with that but I loved it.  I think that is one of the reasons I felt like I was there, right beside Brenna the whole time.  The Senator’s Youngest Daughter was published in October 2016.  It is 312 exciting pages long.  It’s a clean read.

Get your copy of The Senator’s Youngest Daughter here!

About the Author

The Senator’s Youngest Daughter
Kelley Rose Waller
Kelley writes fiction to imagine new life experiences. Her debut novel, The Senator’s Youngest Daughter, was released October 1, 2016. This conservative political thriller pits a young woman and her family against a media tycoon backed by the president of a very different United States.

Kelley’s day job as a marketing strategist offers her the opportunity to write and plan for clients in diverse fields. Kelley and her husband are Pennsylvania foster parents. She lives and writes to uplift and glorify the name of Jesus Christ.

Kelley is a ridiculous fan of science fiction and board games. She has a B.A. in English and lives in Lancaster, PA, with her husband, three sons, and their dog.

Find Kelly Rose Waller at:

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

God Made You Nose to Toes by Leslie Parrott

God Made You Nose to Toes
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

 God Made You Nose to Toes

God Made You Nose to Toes by Leslie Parrott is a sweet little board book that teaches children their true value.

God Made You Nose to Toes
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
From the Back Cover:  “Help little ones understand that God created each part of their bodies so they can enjoy life and everything in it.  In this delightful book by well-known author and family therapist Leslie Parrott, little ones can follow along with Toucan – with his great big nose – as he helps them learn God loves each one of them completely.”

God Made You Nose to Toes
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
The book is illustrated by Estelle Corke.  The pictures are colorful and appealing.  Your child will make friends with Toucan as he or she progresses through the pages.

God Made You Nose to Toes
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Your child will be delighted with a few other characters as well . . . like a monkey, a giraffe, and this clean-toothed crocodile.

God Made You Nose to Toes
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
This short little book teaches children that God loves them and every part of them.  Although the verse is not used in the book, children will learn that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

It is important to teach children that they are valuable little creatures – valuable just as they are from their noses to their toes.  The earlier we teach this, the more self-confident they will be.  God Made You Nose to Toes is a great tool to help parents teach their children this important lesson.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  – Psalm 139:14 (NIV)
 I definitely recommend God Made You Nose to Toes by Leslie Parrott.

Get your copy of God Made You Nose to Toes here! 

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