Monday, January 9, 2017

Responding to God’s Voice – Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

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Responding to God’s Voice
Image Credit:  Wilmer Edson -Public Domain Image - via Freely Photos

Responding to God's Voice

The following is a short summary of week 6 of the Bible Study Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.  In the 6th week, we study the topic of Responding to the Voice of God.

Finally, I caught up and finished the last week of Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.  I enjoyed the Bible study but I missed several sessions during the last week due to illness.  Then, the Christmas season started.  Tonight, it’s done.  I’m kind of sad that it’s over.  This is one that I am likely to revisit.

The topic of week 6 is Responding to God’s Voice.  This one stepped on my toes more than I want to admit.  The previous studies were awesome but this week, I was challenged to search my heart and ask myself if I have been totally obedient when I do hear God’s voice.  It is one thing to hear God’s voice.  It’s another thing to respond to God’s voice in obedience.  Responding immediately is even more challenging.

On the fist day of the study, we learn that there is only one appropriate response when God speaks to us.
God does not just speak to be heard.  He speaks to be obeyed. – Priscilla Shirer
In Exodus 15:26-27, we are reminded that obedience leads to physical healing.

In Exodus 23:22, we are reminded that if we obey Him, He is an enemy to our enemies and a friend to our friends.

In Deuteronomy 31:12, we are reminded that we are to obey God’s law.

In Luke 8:18, we are reminded that for those who obey, more will be given.  For those who disobey, what they have is taken away.

In John 14:15, we are reminded that if we love Him, we will obey Him.

The second day of the study is a continuation of the first – there is only one appropriate response to God’s voice.

The third day of the study for this week confirms that our response can be costly.  When we commit to obey God, we must remember that our obedience might require challenging adjustments.

Abraham fathered a child in his old age.  Jesus’ disciples were asked to leave their families and give up all their possessions.  Obedience is the only appropriate response but it might be costly.  Prepare for adjustments.

Day four of the study focuses on our immediate response.
God speaks with perfect timing.  My response should be immediate obedience. – Priscilla Shirer 
When we don’t respond immediately to God’s voice, we might be sacrificing God’s full blessing.

In Luke 1, Zacharias was not able to speak because of his unbelief.

In Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira died because of their disobedience and lies.

Day 5 and the final day of this 6 week Bible study, we focus on “The Committed Response.”  We must not only respond immediately, but we must be committed to our obedience.  We don’t need a plan B.  We need only to listen, respond, respond immediately, and remain committed to God’s perfect plan for our lives.
Our spiritual ear will never be sensitive to His voice if we have a personal agenda to which we are already committed.  God leads and speaks to the humble who have surrendered their plans and want to do His will.  With an “open heaven” and a surrendered will, we will be able to clearly hear God’s voice in our hearts. – Jim Cymbala 
You'll find all my posts about this Bible study series here.

Get your copy of Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer here!

Responding to God’s Voice
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