If you have not seen Letters to God,
please watch it! It is one of the best movies I've ever seen for
teaching faith, hope, endurance, and strength. Get your tissues before
you begin the film. You'll laugh, cry, and at times you'll laugh and
cry at the same time.
Tyler Doherty is played by Tanner McGuire. Tyler is battling cancer. He fights the disease with a courage, strength, and hope that is rare for anyone, but especially a kid. During Tyler's courageous battle, he writes letters to God which are actually his prayers in written form.
Letters to God
Brady McDaniels (played by Jeffery S. S. Johnson) is the Doherty family mail carrier. Brady ends up intercepting Tyler's letters. Brady is suffering through trials of his own. At first, Brady doesn't know what to do with Tyler's letters, but he develops a relationship with Tyler's family. Tyler's family works well together to remain strong during the difficult time of watching Tyler battle cancer. However their faith is challenged while they face their own feelings of neglect, selfishness, fatigue, and doubt.
The movie was released in 2010. Tyler's mother is played by Robyn Lively. His grandmother is played by Marie Cheatham. His brother, Ben, is played by Michael Christopher Bolton.
I don't want to reveal too much more because I don't want to spoil the film for you, but I highly recommend this inspirational I will finish with telling you that Tyler influences a lot of people, especially Brady the mail carrier. During this film, the gospel is shared with viewers. Faith is challenged. Decisions are made. Lives are changed. Faith prevails.
Letters to God is based on a true story.
Watch the official movie trailer here.
Get your copy of Letters to God here.
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