Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Learn All About Pandas – Book, Activities, and a Video

Pandas by James Maclaine. Learn all about Panda Bears! – Photo Credit – Usborne Books (Tina Truelove, owner of this blog, is an Independent Distributor for Usborne Books)

Pandas by James McClaine (An Usborne Book)

Pandas are interesting and beautiful animals.  Young children will learn a lot of interesting facts about Panda Bears when they read the book Pandas by James Maclaine.  As I read it with my preschool children, I was impressed at how well the book kept their attention.  It is an easy read with great illustrations.  Pandas is illustrated by Jenny Cooper and Richard Watson.  The authors of the book consulted with Professor David MacDonald, CBE at the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Zoology Department, University of Oxford.  The publication date is 2016.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
 Children learn about natural Panda habitats.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
I think this was our favorite part.  We leaned about Panda babies.  Did you know that Panda babies have almost no fur at all when they are born?  Panda babies are very tiny compared to the Mama Panda.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Look how this mother Panda bear is teaching her baby to climb a tree.

Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
We learned that humans who work with Panda Bears wear Panda suits so that they don’t confuse the bears.  This is very important when humans must prepare a Panda to be released into the wild for the first time.
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
In the back of the book, there is a glossary.  Use this to teach new words to your young readers.
Image Credit:  Tina Truelove (Abundant Family Living)
Teach children to use an index.  If they want to review something they’ve learned such as what Pandas eat, they’ll know what page to find the information.

This little book will be one of our favorites.  As of the date of this post, the book is only $4.99 to purchase individually.  It is also part of an Usborne Beginner Readers Set, the Beginners Animals Box Set.  This set would make a great addition to any classroom, homeschool, or home.

Usborne Books
Beginners Animals Box Set – This exclusive library contains 10 of the best-selling Beginners Animals titles, all with simple text and great illustrations, perfect for beginning readers. Includes: Bears, Dangerous Animals, Elephants, Farm Animals, Monkeys, Pandas, Penguins, Sharks, Tigers, and Wolves.

Get your boxed set here.

Pandas is also part of the Usborne Beginners Library Collection 1.

Usborne Books
Beginners Library Collection 1 – This collection includes the library edition of the following titles: Ants, Bears, Bees and Wasps, Bugs, Castles, Caterpillars and Butterflies, Cats, Dangerous Animals, Dogs, Eggs and Chicks, Farm Animals, Firefighters, Horses and Ponies, How Flowers Grow, Night Animals, Owls, Pandas, Planes, Planet Earth, Rainforest, Sharks, Tadpoles and Frogs, Trains, and Under the Sea.

Get the Beginners Library Collection here.

If you are interested in only purchasing Pandas by James Maclaine, get it here.

Where do Pandas live? What do they eat? Can Pandas climb trees? In this book, you’ll find the answers and lots more about the fascinating lives of Pandas.

This title is part of an exciting series of books for children who are beginning to read on their own. The easy-to-read text has been specially written with the help of a reading expert.
After reading the book, your children will love doing these Activities.

Make a Panda crown.

Play a Feed the Panda counting game.

Make a Fork Print Panda bear using a fork and paint.

Make Panda Bear playdough.

Make a Panda Bear using a cupcake liner.

Make a paper plate Panda.

Make a torn paper Panda.

Make a hand print Panda.

Make a black and white Panda Bear sensory bin.

Make a Panda Bear book mark.

 Here is a video for teaching kids about Pandas Bears.

For more information about Usborne Books, visit my Usborne website here.

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