Monday, July 31, 2017

Here is What We Love About the Touchy Feely Animals Book

Young children use their senses to explore the world around them.  They love touching objects, feeling the various textures as they try to make sense of them.  According to Sally Fitzgerald, a Good Start Early Learning Senior Occupational Therapist, sensory play is crucial for brain development.  Sensory play “helps children build nerve connections in the brain’s pathways.”  We love the Baby’s Very First Touchy Feely Animals Book because it provides an opportunity for sensory play for our youngest little readers.

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living

The Touchy Feely Animals Book

The Touchy Feely Animals book is just the right size for little hands.  Babies and toddlers can hold the book in their hands or laps.  They have no trouble turning the pages of this adorable little board-book.

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 The pages are easy for babies and toddlers to hold and turn.  

Each page offers an opportunity for the little reader to touch and feel a different texture.

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 This little lamb feels soft and fluffy.

Touchy Feely Animals Book

 This frog feels bumpy.

While children touch and feel all the fun textures, they’ll also enjoy reading about some of their favorite animals such as a shiny fish, a soft bunny rabbit, a hairy dog, and several others.

Touchy Feely Animals Book

The Touchy Feely Animals Book also teaches colors!

Before and after reading The Touchy Feely Animals Book with your child, you can provide more opportunities for for sensory play.

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 We enjoyed plunging our hands in the water bin.  The kids said it felt wet and cold.

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living

We discovered that we could draw in the sand that had settled onto the bottom of the water bin.

I filled several Zip Loc Bags with various items.  The kids held the bags and squished them around.

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 The kids said the beans felt “bumpy.”

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
The cube blocks felt “hard” and “sharp.”

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
The enjoyed popping the bubbles on the bubble wrap. 

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
The liquid dish detergent felt “squishy.”

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 The rice felt “little bumpy.”

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 The sand felt “kind of hard and kind of soft.”

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 The shredded paper felt “crunchy.”

Touchy Feely Animals Book
Image Credit:  Abundant Family Living
 The water bag felt “fun and squishy.”

The Touchy Feely Animals Book is one of several “touchy-feely” books provided by Usborne Books.  

Check out these additional “touchy-feely” books:

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