Monday, January 21, 2019

Encouraging Your Deployed Family Member Using Waterproof Journals

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Encouraging Your Deployed Family Member Using Waterproof Journals
Image Credit:  Abundant-Family-Living

Several months ago, I began a series I called "Living Through Deployment." I didn't realize that it would be so long before I continued this series.  Thankfully, we were able to spend some time with our military men and women through the Thanksgiving and Christmas season before they left us for this long stretch of time.  We are grateful for that time.  Now - more about living through deployment.

God wants you to do more that just survive a deployment.  He wants you to do more than just live through it.  He wants you to thrive through it. 

You were chosen for this.  
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28
 If you love God . . . if you are called according to His purpose (if you are a saved believer, then you are) . . . then He intends this season for your good.

You are God's gift to your spouse.  If your spouse is deployed, then deployment is God's plan for you at this time.  God's intentions for you are for your good and for the good of your deployed spouse.

If you are a military parent, your child is God's gift to you.  If your "child" is deployed, then deployment is God's plan for you and your family at this time.  His intentions for your family is for your good.

Whether you are a spouse or a parent - or any relationship to a deployed military member - this is a good time for you to learn more about the Lord and grow closer to Him through this season of separation and waiting.

As I typed that last sentence, the song "Worship While I'm Waiting" by John Waller came to mind.  If you have a few minutes, you might like to listen to the song with features scenes from the Fireproof movie here.

In my first post, I told you about 20 encouraging scripture cards that I had printed out and had planned to send them with my son.  That is still a great idea, but shortly after that post, I leaned about a better way to send those verses.  

My husband sent two important things with our son.  My husband, who was once in the Marine Corps, gave him a camouflaged New Testament Bible.  Instead of sending the individual cards, I chose to buy one of these waterproof field notebooks.  The brand I purchased is called "Rite in the Rain."  I didn't know these awesome books existed until another military wife from my son's company told me about them.  You can write in them in both dry and wet weather but the ink won't smudge off.  I'm told that the ink won't smudge even if the book is dropped into water such as a lake or in the mud.  They sell the pens too but I was told that you can write in them with any ink pen and the ink still won't smudge.

Waterproof Journals and Waterproof Ink

There are several versions to choose from.  I chose this journal version.

Encouraging Your Deployed Family Member Using Waterproof Journals
This item is available here.
I was told to use any ink pen, but I bought this one just to be on the safe side.

Encouraging Your Deployed Family Member Using Waterproof Journals
This item is available here.

I ordered one book and one pen.  Inside the first pages of the book, I wrote an encouraging message for my son.  Then, in the pages that followed, I wrote out a series of Scripture verses that I thought might help him through various circumstances during his long deployment away from home, the ones I previously wrote about.  I wrote the verse and then a short paragraph about the verse in my handwriting.  Recently, I was given the gift of a bracelet with words written in my grandmother's handwriting and it is now one of  my prize possessions.  With technology being so convenient now, handwriting is becoming sort of a lost art.  Anyway, I wanted this to be something written in my own handwriting, something that might mean a lot to my son, and maybe something he will always keep.  I took up the first 40 pages of the book.  The rest of the book was for him to write his own thoughts or notes while he is away.  Years from now, his own son or daughter might take comfort in a book written for his or her daddy during his time in deployment history that includes both his or her daddy's and grandmother's handwriting.  This might not be for you but I'm a little sentimental like that.  :)

I wasn't exactly sure which verses to include so I prayed for God's guidance.  Then, I just started writing.  If you thing this is something you would like to do for your deployed military family member or friend, you can buy the Write in the Rain book and pen above (if you want the pen.).  If your loved one is already deployed, you can still ship it to him or her.

It is a good idea to pray for God's guidance concerning which verses to include, but if you would like suggestions, you can access the ones I used in my previous post here.

Another idea is for you to print out for yourself all the verses you send with your loved one.  Both of you can meditate and memorize the same verses during this deployment season.

If you have something special that you sent with your loved one during a deployment or something you did for him or her, I'd love to hear about it.  Feel free to tell us about it in the comments below. 
Read other posts about living through deployment here.

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