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This week in our ladies Bible study on Jonah by Priscilla Shirer, we are talking about second chances. God is a God of second chances. We learn this truth by reading about several familiar Bible characters.
God is a God of Second Chances
Aaron was chosen by God to serve as His priest. Aaron messed up when he lead the Israelites to build a golden calf to worship. Aaron was still allowed to serve as God's priest. God gave Aaron a second chance.
God promised Sarah that she would have a baby and that she would be the mother of a great nation. Sarah's trust in God to fulfill His promise to her weakened so much that she took matters into her own hands and gave over her maid, Hagar, to her husband to conceive instead. Sarah still gave birth to Isaac and God fulfilled His promise to Sarah. God gave Sarah a second chance.
Peter, one of Jesus' faithful disciples, denied knowing Jesus three times. Yet Peter remained a great disciple of Jesus until his own death. God gave Peter a second chance.
God can and will give you and me a second chance too.
Priscilla brings us to the story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers. She helps us see, in this lesson, how Joseph's story of forgiveness foreshadows the story of Jesus and His forgiveness.
Joseph could have had his brothers killed or severely punished for the injustice done to him, but in a breathtaking act of mercy, he "kissed all his brothers" and invited them to live under his provision and protection. In the true picture of the merciful Savior to come, Joseph refrained from anger, abstained from vengeance, and offered that which is not deserved. - Priscilla ShirerWhen we are given a second chance, we must submit to the will of God fully, not halfway or halfheartedly. There are no shortcuts.
God promised to tell Jonah what to say when he got to Nineveh. Now, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us.
The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will tech you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. - John 14:26
This week you've explored your second chance. I hope you've committed yourself to complete and full obedience. Yield to the Father your list of details awaiting clarity. Ask Him to answer in His timing and to give you the measure of faith required to move forward despite not knowing. - Priscilla ShirerTo summarize 5 main points I pulled out of this weeks lessons:
1. God gives second chances.
2. God forgives.
3. Obey God fully. There are no short cuts.
4. The Holy Spirit guides us to the truth.
5. Respond in complete obedience.
As always, I remind you that in order to benefit from this entire study on Jonah, you'll need to complete the study with a group or in your home using all the materials available in the leader kit.
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