*As a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid member, I received the NIV Quest Study Bible from Bible Gateway in exchange for an honest review on this blog. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
It would be impossible for me to read through the entire Bible and read all the extra that this Bible offers before my deadline for this review. However, I have had this Bible for a couple of weeks now. I've used it at church and at home. I do like it a lot and I'm happy for the opportunity to tell you about it.
The NIV Quest Study Bible
The NIV Quest Study Bible has a lot to offer its readers. You'll find an introduction to the books of the Bible, side column notes, reading plans, and so much more. I really like the cultural context side notes. At church, our ladies' Bible study class is focusing on learning to study the Bible in the context in which it was originally written. Understanding those cultural concepts is important for learning scriptures in their original context. Taking verses out of their original context poses the danger of misinterpreting scripture. We don't want to misinterpret scriptures. When we misinterpret a Bible verse, we tend to assign a meaning to it that fits our own personal agenda, rather than the meaning God intends for it.
If you enjoy reading plans, you'll love these! Many Bibles have a plan for reading the Bible through in a year or something similar. The NIV Quest Study Bible offers you something extra. Take a look at the photo above. You'll notice that this Bible offers you reading plans with a purpose, not JUST to read it though. There is a reading plan for the life and teachings of Jesus, the life and teachings of Paul, and a two week reading plan on the Old Testament. These reading plans are considered Course 1 of 3 courses offered in this Bible. Course 1 (above) is an Introduction to the Bible.
Course 2 is called A Guided Tour of the Bible. Some of those reading plans are:
The Northern Kingdom of Israel
The Southern Kingdom of Israel
Starting Over
Cries of Pain
Responses to Jesus
Paul's Legacy
Vital Letters
Course 3 is called Every Word in the Bible. This is the course for reading the Bible through, but it is not designed to read it through in a year. It is designed to read every word in the Bible and to read it with understanding. It is recommended for a 3 year study.
With this Bible, you'll get a historical overview. If you don't already know this information, you'll learn about the Pentateuch, history books of the Bible, books of poetry, the prophets, the gospels, and the letters. You'll get a historical overview of each genre of scripture.
Earlier, I mentioned that you'll get an introduction to each book of the Bible. Here is the introduction to the book of Genesis. They tell you why you should read the book, who wrote the book, the period of history the book covers, why it was written, to whom it was written, and what to look for as you read the book. At the bottom of the page is a timeline to help you visualize the historical significance of the book.
When I was younger, I didn't appreciated the significance of Biblical maps. Now, I absolutely love using maps when I'm studying the Bible. I enjoy placing events in the Bible on the map and then realizing where that event happened on our modern maps. The Bible is not just a book. It is real history! It is a book about things that actually took place. Using maps helps us remember that the people we read about in the Bible were real people who lived in and visited real places, places you and I might live or visit today.
The side column notes are helpful. They build on the information you get at the front of this Bible but they are right there with you as you read. They'll sometimes insert small maps which I have learned to love.
The NIV Quest Study Bible is written in single column format. Some of the pages have more space for notes than others. This particular page has a lot of space for notes on the left side column. Other pages have less. Some have none at all, but when there is no space for notes, that's when they have a lot to tell you about that particular Bible passage.
You'll get a table of weights and measures.
Here are a few other special extras you get with the NIV Quest Study Bible.
Promises from the Bible
Reading Bible promises is encouraging during trials and difficult times. We all go through trials and difficult times. It is truly said that every person is either about to go through a trial, in the middle of a trial, or coming out of a trial. Maybe you are in all three stages at the same time but due to different circumstances. This section of the NIV Quest Study Bible will help.
Perspectives from the Bible
Perspectives from the Bible is designed to help you through various circumstances in life. Does your faith need strengthening? Read Genesis 15:1-6, Proverbs 3:5-9, Romans 5:1-11, and the other passages listed. Do you need to control your tongue? Read Psalm 39:1, Proverbs 10:18-20, Matthew 15:1-20, and James 3:1-12. You get the idea.
Index to Subjects
Do you want to study a particular Biblical subject? Look it up here and find a list of verses to read on said subject.
Do you want to know what a word means, particularly inside the context in which it was written? Look it up in the dictionary/concordance. You'll get a meaning for the word and cross references where the word was used in other places within the Bible.
Index to Color Maps
Color Maps
Remember how I said I have learned to love maps when studying the Bible? The NIV Quest Study Bible has a large section of color maps in the back and an index to go with it.
I've enjoyed using the NIV Quest Study Bible over the past couple of weeks. It will make a great addition to my Bible study library. It would also a great addition to yours.
This item is available here. |
If you have questions about the NIV Quest Study Bible that I did not answer in this post, ask them in the comments below. I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
Thanks for reading!
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