Sunday, June 23, 2019

Host a Baby Shower to Support Your Local Crisis Pregnancy Care Center

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On March 16, 1997, I held a tiny baby boy in my hands. I carefully studied him.  I wanted to make sure I would forever remember every part of him from his head to is toes.  His weight was measured in grams.  He was my son.  I had always been pro life, but as I held my tiny baby on that spring day, I knew I had to do more to help educate other women about the truth of prenatal development.  I knew I had to do more to help other mommies see their babies as the gifts that they are.  I only regret that I waited so long to take action.  A few months ago, I began volunteering my time at our local crisis pregnancy care center.  I'm always looking and listening for ways to help and ways to get our community more involved.  This morning, my Bible Fellowship class at my church hosted a baby shower to benefit our local pregnancy care center.

Host a Baby Shower to Support Your Local Crisis Pregnancy Care Center

Why host a baby shower for a pregnancy care center?

Our local care center goes far and beyond educating women about their babies' prenatal development.  They help young mothers earn while they learn.  Women who enroll in the My Baby Counts program earn "mommy dollars" every time they watch an educational DVD.  They get extra dollars for completing homework assignments.  They can use the mommy dollars they earn to shop for their babies' needs in the My Baby Counts Boutique.  They can use the dollars they earn that same day for smaller items like diapers, clothing, and blankets or they may choose to save their dollars so that they can purchase a larger item like a carseat or a crib. Hosting a baby shower to support the My Baby Counts Boutique is a great way to support our local pregnancy care center by restocking their shop.

What items should you bring to a pregnancy care center baby shower?

When you attend a baby shower hosted to benefit a pregnancy care center, you should bring items similar to any baby shower you attend.  Keep in mind that mothers who sign up for support through a care center are usually looking for the basic needs.  They need to focus on keeping their babies fed and clothed.  In the winter time, they look for items needed to keep their babies warm.  When you shop for your gift items, think practical.  Here are a few suggestions:

Clothing Items

Practical Outfits (play clothes and dresses for church and special occasions but nothing too fancy)
Hats (for warmth in the winter and for sun protection in the summer)
Diaper Care

Diapers (all sizes)
Diaper rash creams and/or ointments
Baby Powder


Baby Food
Baby Formula  (be sure to check expiration dates on foods and formulas)
Baby seat with feeding tray

Feeding Bowls
Sippy Cups
Baby and Toddler Cutlery

Bath Items

Baby Wash
Baby Bar Soaps 
Baby Shampoo
Baby Lotion
Bath Towels
Baby bathtub

Health Care Items

Baby Tylenol (check expiration dates on all baby over-the-counter pharmacy products)
Baby Ibuprofen
Teething Gel

Gas drops
Gripe water

Other Items

Larger Items
Car seat
Portable Crib and/or Play Yard

Play Items

Toys should be kept to a minimum.  It's perfectly fine to stock a baby boutique with items for baby play.  Every mother enjoys buying things her baby enjoys.  However, the focus of a pregnancy care center baby boutique is to provide a place for new mothers to spend the dollars they have earned so that they can meet their babies' needs.  Feel free to provide some baby toy items, but keep the main focus on basic baby care.  If your center offers a baby care curriculum, the items in the baby boutique should reflect on the curriculum.  That way, you are teaching the mother to care for her baby and then offering her a way to earn and buy items based on what she has learned.

Educational Books are great options to add to a baby boutique.  Usborne Books offers a variety of books appropriate for babies all the way to middle school.  The Baby's Very First series books would be a perfect fit for a baby boutique.  Here is what we loved about the touchy feely animals book.

Shop Baby's Very First Books at Usborne Books and More

Hosting a baby shower for your local crisis pregnancy center is just one of many ways you can help a mother care for her baby.  Many centers need counselors to talk with patients.  Check with your local pregnancy care center to see what they need.  Perhaps you can volunteer some of your time there.  Once you know their needs, inform your churches and Bible Fellowship classes so that they can contribute on a regular basis.

Our local pregnancy care center helps to educate women about their babies' prenatal development so that they might choose to let their babies live.  Then, they offer support for them as they transition into motherhood.  The center helps both men and women as they come in for STD testing.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is shared with patients and many come to know Jesus before they leave.

The news media is buzzing with so much negativity surrounding this issue, but there are so many wonderful testimonies out there from women who have decided to not have an abortion. There are many wonderful testimonies from women who have had at least one abortion but have found forgiveness in Christ and now they are helping other women find the same forgiveness and healing that they themselves have found, like Abby Johnson in her story titled Unplanned.

Does your community have a crisis pregnancy care center?  I'd love to hear about all the changed lives and wonderful things happening in your area.  Let us know in the comments.  Also, let me know if you can think of other practical items that should be added to my list above.

Blessings to you and yours,


Host a Baby Shower to Support Your Local Crisis Pregnancy Care Center

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