Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

If you've been following this blog for a while, then you know how much we love Chattanooga, Tennessee.  We go there a lot.  My husband goes there for business quiet often.  It's only a few hours from our home so we go there pretty often for fun too.  On our last visit, we were told about an ice cream shop called Clumpies.  We had never been to Clumpies so we were excited to find out about a new place to visit.  The fact that they sold old fashioned ice cream was definitely a bonus.  We were not disappointed.

Clumpies Ice cream Shop

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

The ice cream shop was clean.  They offered a lot of flavors.  The decor was fun with sort of a retro air about it.

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

We enjoyed the wall murals.  The colors were light, fun, and very appealing.  The dining room was a place that made you feel like you just want to hang out in there for awhile.

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

They sell merchandise in the store so if you visit Clumpies and you love it, you might want to buy a Clumpies mug or hat.  We loved the mixed feel of both modern and retro in the shop.

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Now to the best part . . . the ice cream!

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

When we waled into Clumpies Ice Cream Shop, I knew the ice cream just had to be good.  I was correct.  The ice cream was so delicious.  I chose the black walnut flavor.  It tasted pretty close to home made.  The flavor, coupled with the retro environment, reminded me of my childhood.  When I was growing up, we couldn't afford to eat out all the time or just go for ice cream any time we wanted it.  Those treats were only for special occasions.  Most of the ice cream we enjoyed was made from one of those old hand crank ice cream machines.  We used to take turns rotating the handle.  It was quiet the workout but always worth it.  Those were good days.  Clumpies Ice Cream Shop reminded me of those good days.  
Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Now I get to look forward to making new memories with my family at one of our new favorite places in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  Clumpies Ice Cream Shop has 4 locations in Chattanooga.  Visit their website here to find the one closest to you.

Clumpies Icecream Shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Read about more things to do in Chattanooga, Tennessee here.

Half Way Home Decorated Care Package Idea for Your Military Service Member

If you have a loved one far from home, you've probably sent him or her a care package or two.  During my son's deployment, I learned that decorated care package boxes are a big thing.  The idea is to decorate the inside of the box before you pack in all the goodies.  Over the past several months, I've decorated a Valentine's Day box and a birthday box.  You can decorate boxes for all sorts of special occasions such as Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  You could decorate a Mother's Day or Father's Day box.  For college students far from home, you can use themes such as first aid or medical supplies theme for a medical student.  If your student enjoys puzzles, you could decorate a puzzle themed box.  Some people like to do a color theme.  The decorate the box in a color like yellow and then fill it with snacks which are all packaged in yellow wrappers.  You get the idea.  If you are like me and you have a loved one who is deployed, a Half Way Home Decorated Care Package is a good way to mark the half way point in your military service member's deployment.

Half Way Home Decorated Care Package Idea for Your Military Service Member

My Half Way Home Decorated Care Package

I decorated the left side of my care package box in a desert camouflage pattern.  The left side of the box represents the months gone by.  I decorated the right side of the box in an American flag theme.  I printed out an image of a house with the word "Home" written inside.  The right side of the box obviously represents the months ahead, the home stretch.

Inside the box, I packed my son's favorite snacks and a few things he needed.  In his boxes, some of the things I have packed are:

Chili Cheese Fritos
Flavor Twist Fritos
A bag of Mixed Chocolate Candy Bars
Baby Wipes (They need a good quality fragrance free kind.)
Body Wash
Small Hand Held Puzzle Games
Electrical Tape
Bed Sheets (Single)
A Blanket

Keep in mind that anything that might spill such as the shampoo and body wash needs to be placed inside a Zip Loc bag.  Those types of items often leak during shipping.

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Not everything can be shipped.  If you have any questions about what you can and cannot send overseas in a care package box, ask your local post office clerk.  They have a list.  Most of them ship these packages all the time so they know what they're doing.  Be sure to ask your post office clerk about military care package flat rate boxes.  You can get them from the postal service for free.  They come with labels and packing tape.  You can order the military care package flat rate boxes online here.

Another way to send care packages is to order them and have them shipped by Amazon.  Shipping to APO addresses is free for Amazon Prime members.  Put the items in your cart, plug in the address, pay your bill, and Amazon does the rest. I enjoy decorating and packing care packages for my son, but we have used Amazon a few times for convenience. 

Whatever method you decide to use to ship your care package, your loved one will love it because it came from you. If you have children, get the children involved.  If mommy or daddy is far away, whether it be a military deployment or an extended business trip, allowing the children to decorate and pack a care package box will help them feel closer to the parent they miss so much.

Half Way Home Decorated Care Package Idea for Your Military Service Member

Read more posts about living through deployment here.

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