Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Answers in Genesis Announces Truth Traveler, Their New Virtual Reality Experience

Truth Traveler, a Virtual Reality Experience
Truth Traveler, A Virtual Reality Experience

Truth Traveler, A Virtual Reality Experience at the Ark Encounter

Have you ever wished you could go back in time?  I have.  I love history.  When I'm reading about historical events, I often wish I could be there to personally experience them.  I would love to have personally watched and listened as Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address or walk the streets of various cities to experience the celebrations following the end of WWII.  When I read the Bible, I often wish I could have been there to personally speak with Biblical characters or watch certain events take place.  Today, we can virtually experience some things due to the advances in virtual reality technology.  Several months back, my husband brought home a set of virtual reality goggles similar to the ones in the photo above.  When I put them on, I was quiet surprised!  I was walking by a virtual river.  It felt so real that I began to walk toward the water to wade.  Haha!  My husband stopped me before I fell over the coffee table in front of me.  It was an amazing experience.  Well, the awesome people at the Ark Encounter museum have announced Truth Traveler.  Truth Traveler is their new virtual reality experience.  

Truth Traveler Virtual Reality Experience
Image Credit:  Answers in Genesis
Visitors to the Ark Encounter who choose to experience Truth Traveler will enjoy today's most advanced technology as they sit in interactive seats and wear virtual reality glasses.  Truth Traveler will take you back 4300 years to the time of Noah.  You'll see Noah building the Ark and watch the animals coming to it.  You'll virtually experience flood waters but don't worry.  You'll survive.  :)  The seats move backward, forward, and sideways.  The combination of moving seats and virtual reality glasses is sure to give you quiet a rides as you time travel back to the Biblical days of Noah's Ark.  I can't wait for my chance to go!

Enjoy the following trailer featuring the Truth Traveler experience.

If you are just learning about the Ark Encounter Museum, you might be interested in reading my post about our experience there a few years ago.  You'll want to check out the Creation Museum while you are there.  My family has visited both museums but the great folks at Answers in Genesis are always adding more to experience so we will be going back from time to time to check out the new attractions.   I most certainly want to check out Truth Traveler and when I do, I'll be sure to come back to tell you about my personal experience.

If you have already experienced Truth Traveler, we would love to hear from you.  In the comments, tell us about your experience!  

I first learned about the Truth Traveler experience when I read about it in my Answers Insider magazine.  

Answers Insider Magazine
Answers Insider Magazine from Answers in Genesis

When you visit the Answers in Genesis website.  Be sure to sign up for one of their many magazine options.  Choose to get magazines in the mail, in your email inbox, or both.

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