Monday, April 6, 2020

Learning From Home With Usborne - 6th Grade

Continuing our Learning From Home with Usborne series, we are going to take a look at the resources recommended for 6th grade students.

Learning From Home With Usborne - 6th Grade

6 Chelsea Walk Bindup 1

Girls With A Voice and Girls With Courage

6 Chelsea Walk Bindup 1
6 Chelsea Walk Bindup 1

Discover the extraordinary lives of the inspiring girls who have lived throughout history at 6 Chelsea Walk. 1764: Mary Ann wishes to become an opera singer, but when she's forced to leave her school, her dreams are dashed. Can Mary Ann find a way to sing again? 1857: Lizzie is sent to London to live with her aunt and uncle. She misses her mother and her garden in the country, but when she discovers her mother is in danger, she must find the courage to rescue her. Two inspiring stories of girls fighting for their dreams.

A Year in My Life

A Year in My Life
A Year in My Life

 A kids’ journal quite unlike any other, this beautifully illustrated book invites children to record a year of their life by filling in the 365 quirky drawing and writing activities—one for every day of the year. Activities are fun, quick—so no excuse to miss any days!—and imaginatively offbeat, so journalers might be invited to “Draw a scene that happened today, but give the people animal heads” or “Write down every feeling you remember feeling today” or simply just “Sum up today in a single word.”  At the end of the 365 days, children will end up with an amusing, creative, and offbeat record of a year in their life to treasure in years to come.

The Biology of Bananas

The Biology of Bananas
The Biology of Bananas

Get ready to play (and learn!) with your food! Discover the truth about yeast, learn how to count calories, conduct experiments with rubbery eggs, and more.

Series: The Curious World of Kitchen Science
Explore the key principles and practice of everyday science by using analogies, experiments and research with food and drink in the home kitchen environment. 

The Chemistry of Cola

The Chemistry of Cola
The Chemistry of Cola

You’ll be amazed at all you can learn from this favorite drink – what’s in it, why it fizzes, what you can do with it, the containers it’s in, and more!

Series: The Curious World of Kitchen Science
Explore the key principles and practice of everyday science by using analogies, experiments and research with food and drink in the home kitchen environment.

Periodic Table - Book and Jigsaw Puzzle

Periodic Table - Book and Jigsaw Puzzle
Periodic Table - Book and Jigsaw Puzzle

This pack contains a colorful 300-piece, 13 3/4 x 13 3/4 jigsaw of the Periodic Table for children to assemble, while also learning the positions and groupings of all 118 elements. It also includes a 16-page book explaining the Periodic Table in a fun and accessible way, and packed full of fascinating facts and uses of the elements that make up the world around us. 2019 marks the 150th Anniversary of the discovery of the periodic table by Dmitri Mendeleev and has been nominated the International Year of the Periodic Table.

Series: Jigsaw Puzzles
These beautiful jigsaw puzzles and matching books feature several different topics to interest any young learner.  

Real-Life Mysteries

Real Life Mysteries
Real Life Mysteries

From mysteries like Shackleton’s ghostly companion to the Loch Ness Monster and friends, read the amazing evidence about these mysterious cases and make up your own mind. Things are not always what they seem… 

Start to Cook

Start to Cook
Start to Cook

Write Your Own Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories

Write Your Own Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories
Write Your Own Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories

A write-in book filled with a wide range of writing activities, tips, and advice to inspire a new generation of sci-fi and fantasy writers. Learn about world-building, suspense, and other tools to be the perfect sci-fi or fantasy writer!

Series: Write Your Own Books
The Write Your Own story books are full of inspiring ideas for all kinds of different stories, with writing tips to help you on your way.

Abeka Homeschool
Abeka Homeschoool Curriculum

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