
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why Does God Allow Suffering (Asking for a Friend Series)

Why Does God Allow Suffering (Asking for a Friend Series)
Why Does God Allow Suffering (Asking for a Friend Series)

This is a question many of us ask all the time, even seasoned Christians.  The question is "Why does God allow suffering?"

My pastor helps us answer this question in his sermon titled "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"  The following are my Bible study notes based on his sermon.

You are invited to watch, listen, and worship with us here.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

My pastor refers us to Romans 8.  You can read those verses here.

Let's focus on Romans 8:18 for a moment and hold onto its truth.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18

Romans 8:18 Wall Art
This Romans 8:18 wall art is available here.

Suffering is temporary.  Glory awaits us.

When we experience suffering, we tend to point fingers at God.

When things are good, we say God is good but when things are bad, we blame God.  Some people think God allows suffering because He doesn't care about us.

The Bible tells us that God cares about us so much that He even knows the number of hairs on our heads.  

The Bible also tells us that we are to love others because God first loved us.
We love because He first loved us. - 1 John 4:19
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 Artwork
This Scripture artwork is available here.
God doesn't just care about us.  He LOVES us.

But still, why is there suffering in the first place?  Suffering is brought on by:

- Our sinful choices.
- Other's sinful choices. (drugs, suicide, affair, etc.)
- Satan himself brings havoc into our lives.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. - John 10:10
John 10:10 is the verse on which I am building this blog.  Satan intends to steal, kill, and destroy us but Jesus came so that we may have life and have it abundantly.

Our world is deeply broken.  Ask God what He wants to tell you through your suffering.

How do we make sense of suffering?

Truths About Suffering

1.  This world is not right.  It is broken and in need of a Savior.
2.  We are not innocent.  No one is guiltless.
3.  God is not indifferent.  His grace is sufficient.
4.  This life is not ultimate.  Heaven awaits us.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28

5.  God never wastes our hurt.  He can use our hurt for good.

Good Things That Come Out of Suffering

Suffering can turn us back to God and eternal things.
It is good for me that I was afflicted,
That I may learn Your statutes. - Psalm 119:71
Suffering can grow us and prepare us for greater things.
And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance. - Romans 5:3
Suffering produces perseverance,  character, and hope.

Suffering can be used to help others.
Who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. - 2 Corinthians 1:4
We can disciple others out of suffering because of our own suffering.

God can take our suffering and brokenness and turn it into beautiful things.  We need to stop wallowing in past grief and let God us us.

Suffering can bring our worst or our best to the surface.  Do we love God when things are good AND when things are bad?

Job is a good example for us.  He didn't curse God through his suffering.

We don't need an explanation for our suffering.  We need a Savior.
Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. - Romans 8:1
All the suffering we have gone through doesn't begin to compare to the suffering of Jesus.  

How do we prepare for suffering?  We cling to Jesus.
Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. - Hebrews 4:14-16

We are all fellow sufferers.  We ALL need Jesus.

Without Jesus, your suffering will never end.  

With Jesus, you can look forward to an eternity in Heaven.

Are you ready for eternity?  Learn more here. 

Read all posts in this series here.

Why Does God Allow Suffering (Asking for a Friend Series)
Why Does God Allow Suffering (Asking for a Friend Series)

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade

While some public and private school systems have temporarily closed schools due to the COVID19 virus, others have closed for the remainder of the school year.  Many systems such as our local public school system has implemented a school-from-home program.  Students are still enrolled in our public schools but their lessons are completed at home.  I suppose different systems have different methods of doing this, but our local system has teachers and students keeping in contact with each other online while lessons are completed at home.  Students and parents keep in touch.  Many parents feel like they have become homeschool parents overnight and basically, they have.  While Usborne Books does not offer a complete curriculum for any grade level at this time, they have added a new category to their line up of educational books.  The Learning from Home category offers books by grade levels, travel the world books, books that comfort, and educational jigsaw puzzles.  This post highlights the 3rd grade category of books.  On my Usborne website, parents have the option to choose individual books or they can buy the entire set.  These books are great educational resources to supplement children's educational curricula.

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade

365 Science Activities

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

If you've ever wondered why bread is full of holes, what your DNA looks like or how to make a rainbow, then this inspiring book is for you. It's overflowing with easy and exciting science experiments, so you can discover something new every day of the year.

Series: Science Activities
These bright, exciting books respond to the growing emphasis on scientific exploration for young children. Their appealing scientific activities are cleverly designed to help children investigate the intriguing properties of different types of science. Experiments explore basic principles of physics, chemistry, and biology in a fun and practical way.

Across the USA Activity Book

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Draw, sticker, and play (and learn!) your way across the USA! Word searches, matching games, letter scrambles and more, highlight everything from state mottoes and famous monuments to natural wonders and roadside attractions to make this a road trip to remember! 

Big Book of Stars and Planets

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Open the giant fold-out pages to discover the wonders of space – from our Sun and the planets in our Solar System, to massive stars, enormous galaxies and lots, lots more.

Series: Big Books
Huge fold-out pages help to display information in a fun way! 

The Big Picture Book of Planet Earth

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

This book will take young readers on a spectacular journey around the world, from the highest mountain peaks to the very bottom of the ocean. Full of fascinating facts, this book uses jaw-dropping landscapes and richly illustrated maps to explain the wonderful secrets behind Planet Earth. Full of rich vocabulary, quicklinks also will add virtual tours, reconstructions, games and other homework help.

Series: Big Picture Books
Big, sturdy books full of pictures that introduce fun topics in a large, unique format, perfect for little learners. 

Big Picture Thesaurus 

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

What’s another word for big, silly or shiny? What’s the opposite of freezing, stretchy or brave? Find all these – and over 2,000 other amazing, useful and unusual words – in this fantastic thesaurus, packed with pictures and stories to tell.

Series: Big Picture Books
Big, sturdy books full of pictures that introduce fun topics in a large, unique format, perfect for little learners. 

Dr. Maggie's Grand Tour of the Solar System

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Space scientist Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock takes readers on the trip of a light-speed lifetime – from the surface of our very own planet to the farthest sectors of the Solar System. Get set for a mind-blowing visual tour of the celestial bodies surrounding us and far beyond. 

Lift the Flap Picture Atlas

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Our wonderful planet is full of beautiful buildings, exotic animals and fabulous sights to see. To find out where in the world they are, explore the maps and lift the flaps in this delightful atlas.  

Measuring Things Activity Book

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Packed with puzzles and activities, this entertaining activity book covers all kinds of measuring, from using a ruler to reading scales. Discover the different units and tools used for length, area, volume, mass and more - then write, draw, color or sticker your answers onto the page.

Series: Math Activity Books
There’s a math book for every part of the math curriculum – and these books make math fun, too! 

Multiplying and Dividing Activity Book

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Children can learn all about multiplying and dividing with this educational activity book. Inside is an array of tips and problem-solving techniques and space to experiment with these techniques. The book focuses on helping children find which techniques work best for them, allowing them to take control of their own learning.  

Not Your Everyday Illustrated Thesaurus

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

A treasury of words to boost your word power, simple to explore, lots of ideas for different subjects to write about, you can look up words alphabetically in the word finder, there are tips for writing stories…and word games to play too.

Series: Illustrated Thesaurus Books
These handy thesauruses will help children build vocabulary and be more creative with their use of language. 

Wipe Clean Starting Cursive

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Join a group of friendly monsters and learn how to start joining letters up to write in cursive. Children can write, wipe the page clean, and write again until they feel fully confident. An approachable introduction to an important skill, this book is an excellent introduction to learning cursive handwriting.

Series: Wipe-Clean Books
The wipe-clean pages provide lots of opportunities to practice as children can return to each topic again and again. A fun and engaging way for young children to learn and develop essential skills, and each title comes with a wipe-clean pen. 

Write Your Own Storybook

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
This item is available here.

Write Your Own Storybook is full of inspiring ideas for all kinds of different stories, with space for you to write them in, and writing tips to help you on your way.

Series: Write Your Own Books
The Write Your Own story books are full of inspiring ideas for all kinds of different stories, with writing tips to help you on your way.

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade

Learning from Home with Usborne - 3rd Grade
Music Education and Student Achievement