Saturday, April 25, 2020

Easy Mother's Day Crafts for Kids: Easily Adaptable Gift Crafts for Kids to Make at Home

Since almost the entire USA is in the middle of school-from-home orders, teachers are missing out on the fun of helping their students make handmade Mother's Day gifts for their moms.  You know what?  If you are a mom at home with your kids, you can still help them make a gift for you.  In order to keep the surprise effect, recruit another adult in the house or an older sibling to help your young child with the craft.  Since many of us are under shelter-at-home orders, I have compiled a list of easy Mother's Day crafts for kids.  These craft gifts are made with simple items that you most likely have at your home or you can order them and hopefully get them delivered in plenty of time.  Your child will light up when he or she gives his or her perfect handmade gift to Mom in honor of her special day.

Easy Mother's Day Crafts for Kids to Make at Home
Easy Mother's Day Crafts for Kids to Make at Home

Mother's Day Crafts for Kids

Butterfly Hand-Print Card

Gather a few colorful sheets of construction paper or cardstock, a little paint (crayons or markers will work too), and glue.  If you have googly eyes at home or any other materials your child can use to decorate the butterfly, gather those as well.  You'll need a marker or pencil to draw around your child's hand and scissors to cut out the handprint.  Then, head over to Simple Everyday Mom for complete instructions for completing this craft.

Paint Mom a Porcelain Vase
Paint Vases - Kit
This item is available here.
This Mindware paint-your-own-porcelain-vase set comes with three porcelain vases, 12 porcelain paints, and 1 brush.  The instructions say you just paint, bake, and display.  Your child can make flowers from construction paper or tissue paper to display in the vases or use the vases to display real flowers.  This looks like fun.  I kind of want to order a set for myself. 

Mama Bear Card 

Does your child love bear books or bear crafts?  He or she can make a mama bear card for your special day.  You'll need simple items such as card-stock or construction paper, scissors for cutting out the bear shape, googly eyes, and a small pom pom.  If you don't have the googly eye or pom poms, that's OK.  Your child can draw the bear's eyes and nose.  Once you gather materials for your child, head over to The Best Ideas for Kids for detailed instructions.  You'll have the option to get a bear card template sent to you via email. 

Mom and Me Memory Book
Mother's Day Crafts for Kids to Make at Home
This item is available here.
This Mommy and Me Memory Book kit contains enough materials to make 12 books so it's perfect for classroom teachers to use in their classes.  If you're a dad who wants to use this with your child to make a Mother's Day gift for Mom, just know that you are actually ordering 12 individual wrapped kits.  Of course, if you have several children, then you'll have all you need and probably enough left over for a child who wants to redo the cover or pages.  The books are approximately 5in. X 7in. 

Painted Flower Pot


My kids made this flower pot a few years ago.  We had a clay flower pot, tempera paints, Styrofoam balls, flower pick stems with wire, watercolor paints, and coffee filters.  This craft can be easily adapted to use other items.  Instead of a clay pot, you can use a large Solo cup, an old plastic planter, an old vase, or even a bowl.  If you don't have tempera paints or watercolor paints, you can use markers.  Instead of Styrofoam balls, you can use sand, dirt, rocks, old fabric cut into pieces, or anything that will fit into the pot that will hold the stems.  If you don't have the green pick stems with wire, you can use sticks and tape, paper or plastic straws, or whatever you can find that will work for the flower stems.  If you don't have coffee filters, you can use tissue colorful tissue paper or construction paper.  Follow the basic instructions in my original post, but adapt this craft according to whatever you have at home.  I'd love to see how your pots turn out.  Come back and leave us a photo in the comments below.  :)

Popsicle Frame with Buttons

Do you have popsicle sticks and a bunch of random buttons?  Your child can make a photo frame to display his or her button art.  You'll need construction paper, popsicle sticks, buttons, and glue.  Then head over to East Coast Mommy for complete instructions.

Suncatcher Art

These suncatcher hearts at Where Imagination Grows were intended for Valentine's Day, but this activity can easily be adapted for a Mother's Day gift.  You can use a heart shaped cookie cutter if you want, but you can use a flower or any other favorite shape.  You'll need a cookie cutter of your choice (or your child's choice), Elmer's glue (you'll need the kind your child can pour), wax paper, and beads, small buttons, or any other small objects that fit inside the cookie cutter.  These turn out cute and you and your child will enjoy it watching it glisten in a sunny window.

Love Bug Mason Jar Card

Does you child love to catch fireflies?  Here in the south, we call them lightning bugs.  We used to catch them, put them in a jar and watch the jar light up.  This memory makes me nostalgic.  If your child loves spending time outside,  have him or her make mom a card that reminds her of your child.  Head over to Glued to My Crafts for complete instructions for completing this adorable card featuring your child's thumb print.

Personalized Mugs
Personalized Mugs
This item is available here.
The Podzly plastic coffee mug kit comes with 12 plastic mugs and removable paper inserts.  Your child can create a personalized mug for Mom.  Mugs are said to hold 10 ounces of liquid.  Be sure to remove the paper inserts before hand washing. 

Painted Wooden Flower Planter

Give mom the gift of real flowers.  I love this adorable painted planter.  I found it over at 5 Minutes for Mom.  Find a wooden box.  I doesn't have to look just like the one shown.  Any wooden box will do.  If you don't have a wooden box, look around for scrap pieces of wood and make one.  If you are not getting out due to the current COVID19 health crisis, check for nurseries that will deliver flowers to your home or perhaps you can schedule a curbside pick up.  Don't forget the potting soil.  Visit 5 Minutes for Mom now for complete instructions.

Journals, Bible Covers, Water Bottles, and Photo Frames
Dayspring Cards and Gifts offers several great gift ideas for Mom on Mother's Day.  Visit Dayspring here and check out all the great gift ideas including journals, Bible covers, water bottles, photo frames, and more.

Easy Mother's Day Crafts for Kids:  Easily Adaptable Gift Crafts for Kids to Make at Home
Easy Mother's Day Crafts for Kids:  Easily Adaptable Gift Crafts for Kids to Make at Home

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