Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Discover Some Fantastic Ways To Take Care Of The Summer Learning Drought

Are you worried about the summer learning drought? Essentially, this is what happens through the summer season when kids aren’t in school and aren’t learning. They end up with their minds like a blank slate when they return in the fall. Now, this can be a benefit because it means that teachers find it easier to impart fresh ideas and concepts. However, it can also be great if kids stay on track through the summer and potentially other times when they are out of school. This includes another potential lockdown. So, let’s explore some of the ways that you can do this.

Ways To Take Care Of The Summer Learning Drought

Ways to Take Care of the Summer Learning Drought

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Look At Lesson Plans

You might want to think about exploring lesson plans that can be downloaded online. These are great as they will ensure that your kids can benefit from real plans that teachers use. You can even find the materials that teachers use and download worksheets for your child too. Sites such as would be a smart place to start.

Encourage Them To Keep A Diary

Another great way to keep up levels of education and learning, particularly for younger children, is to encourage them to keep a diary. Keeping a diary is the perfect way to improve children’s writing skills in a way that is fun and that they can engage with. For instance, if you go on holiday, then they can write about different activities that they complete throughout the day.

Set Up A Couple Hours Each Day

Next, you might want to think about setting a couple of hours a day where your little ones can complete some educational activities. This could include actual worksheets or simple sums and little projects that you can set up yourself. This is perhaps the best way to cope with the summer drought because there is still some structure in place. Don’t forget that this type of activity isn’t that strange. Thousands of kids attend summer schools each year to ensure that their grades stay at the right level.

Ways to Take Care of the Summer Learning Drought

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Take Them To Educational Places

Finally, you might want to think about taking them to certain places where they can naturally gain knowledge that will benefit their education. A great example of this would be museums and there are lots of museums around the world that are absolutely perfect for kids. Or, you could take them somewhere like an art gallery. This could provide the inspiration they need to explore their own creative projects and stretch that particular mind muscle. This is something to keep in mind if you are going on holiday as there are always educational places nearby. You can learn more about museums for kids on

We hope this helps you understand some of the best ways to combat the summer learning drought and why this can be such a significant issue for you as a parent. Teachers often reflect on how after summer, kids come back behind because they haven’t been keeping up with learning through the break. With these ideas, you can ensure that your child is right on track. 


Summer Learning Drought

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