Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Will your kids be equipped to face the giants? Will they stand?

Will They Stand:  Parenting Action Pack
Will They Stand:  Parenting Action Pack

As Christian parents, we strive to raise our kids to face the giants of the world.  Although the world has seen turbulent times in the past, there are days when I think today's kids are facing a future unlike one we've ever imagined.  When I was growing up, I remember Sunday School teachers and pastors preaching about the possible persecution of Christians in the future.  I always felt that those situations were far-fetched.  At the time, I couldn't imagine we would be living in a community here in the United States where Christians would face persecution, at least not in my lifetime.  However, for the past few months, I have watched as our world has changed almost daily.  Sadly, I no longer think Christian persecution in the United States is far-fetched.  In fact, true persecution seems not only possible in my lifetime, but likely.  When my children were born in the 1990s, I remember feeling like my children would be growing up in a great time in history.  Desert Storm was pretty much over, and we had not yet heard the words "Al-Quaeda" or "Taliban."  My children's futures seemed bright.  Now, I grow more and more concerned about the future they all face.  I know that God created my children to be born, grow up, and thrive in their own appointed time.  I know He loves them even more than I do.  They are His, and He has a plan for their lives.  I know God has them. Yet, I still question, "Did we do enough?  Did we read the Bible to them enough?  Did we discipline them enough?  Did we pray enough?  Did we get it right most of the time?  Was I enough?"  If we are being honest with ourselves, we probably all, as Christian parents, ask ourselves these same questions.  The enemy wants us to think we failed and failed miserably. Finally, the question is, will our kids be equipped to face the giants of the world?  Will they stand?

Ken Ham and Dale Mason at Answers in Genesis have news about a parenting pack available to assist Christian parents who are raising children to stand in a world that wants them to fail.  First, let's listen to them as they describe this parenting pack.

Now, let's take a closer look at these great resources.

Will your kids be equipped to face the giants?  Will they stand?

"Our children are facing cultural “giants” that previous generations could never have imagined. Secularism, depravity, immorality, and apathy taunt Christians with a barrage of hate and intolerance. Will our children be equipped to stand strong against these giants, or will they be overcome?" - Ken Ham via Answers in Genesis

Will They Stand?  Parenting Kids to Face the GIANTS by Ken Ham

Will They Stand?  Will your kids be equipped to face the giants?
Will They Stand?  Parenting Kids to Face the GIANTS by Ken Ham

Our children face a world determined to challenge their faith.  The enemy would have them turn entirely against their faith.  They face cultural giants such as secularism and immoralities that I personally never thought they would face.  My children are grown now but if they were still under my God given umbrella of authority, I would love a resource like this one.  In Will They Stand, Ken Ham stresses the importance of raising strong believers who can stand against the evils of the world around them.
“This is a very different book—certainly different from anything I’ve written so far. It is part journal, part tribute, part devotional, and part ‘how-to.’ It’s also all heart, an expression of a passion, conviction, and commitment to the Word of God, all of which was instilled in me by my parents. It’s very personal too, as I offer glimpses into my childhood, adult life, and a number of my life experiences. You will find these glimpses sometimes humorous, frustrating, or convicting, but as learning experiences for us all.” -  Ken Ham (From the Introduction)
Check this resource out here, but keep reading because there is a full parenting pack offered at the end of this post. 

Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World (DVD)

Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World DVD
Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World (DVD)

This DVD, Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World, was filmed at the Creation Museum during the Equipping Families to Stand Conference. 
Each session is designed to help equip families to stand boldly on the authority of God’s Word and share the gospel in our increasingly secular culture. (Answers in Genesis)
Learn more about this DVD here, but don't forget to keep reading.  You might want to take advantage of the parenting pack at the end of this post.

Equipping Families to Stand:  What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad

Equipping Families to Stand:  What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad
Equipping Families to Stand:  What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad

This DVD, Equipping Families to Stand:  What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad, was also filmed at the Creation Museum during the Equipping Families to Stand Conference.  The sessions in the DVD are intended to help families to stand on the authority of God's Word and also to equip them to share the gospel to a lost world.

Check out Equipping Families to Stand:  What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad here.  Then, keep reading.  A special offer is coming at the end of this post.

The 10 Minute Bible Journey
The 10 Minute Bible Journey
The 10 Minute Bible Journey

The 10 Minute Bible Journey by Dale Mason with a foreword by Ken Ham features 52 illustrated accounts revealing a chronological Jesus centered story line "from creation to Heaven."  It comes with a fold out timeline.

Learn more about The 10 Minute Bible Journey here.  Then, up next is the parenting pack special offer.


Will They Stand:  Parenting Action Pack

Will They Stand Parenting Action Pack
Will They Stand:  Parenting Action Pack

Now for the special offer from Answers in Genesis!  When you purchase the Will They Stand Parenting Action Pack (Will They Stand:  Parenting Kids to Face the Giants, Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World DVD, and Equipping Families to Stand:  What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad), you get The 10 Minute Bible Journey for FREE!

Learn more about the Will They Stand:  Parenting Action Pack here.  We hope you get your copies of these great resources.  

These resources are on sale at Answers in Genesis now at the time of this post (February 2, 2021).  They won't always be on sale so be sure to grab your copies now. 

Answers in Genesis offers a wealth of information and resources to help people and families stand boldly on the Word of God as we face a secular world under the influence of an enemy (Satan) who wants us to fail BUT GOD knew us before we were born as we were knitted together in the wombs of our mothers.

God loves you dearly.  He wants a deeper relationship with you.  Check out Answers in Genesis for resources to help you and your family develop a closer relationship with the Lord.

Will your kids be equipped to face the giants?  Will they stand?
Equipping Families to Stand Boldly on the Word of God in an Ungodly World


  1. How to test the child's preparedness for the journey of Christian life?
    Are we just leave to the Lord and not worry? Bible instructs us to teach the law to the children"so the days of your life may be full"
    Sometime our efforts dont seem to work (especially when the youth is created autistic) how can one be sure

    1. Yes, we are instructed to teach our children the Word of God so that they will hopefully make Jesus Lord of their lives. I'm thankful for people like those at Answers in Genesis who provide excellent resources to help us teach them. Whether our kids are living with autism or not, the only people who can know for certain that they have received Jesus as Savior are them and God. If your child is living with autism, know that God loves your child wholly and unconditionally and God knows his or her heart. :)


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