Saturday, November 13, 2021

Savory Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes

Savory Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes
Savory Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year.  I love to start the day watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with my family.  Then, we head to my husband's family Thanksgiving celebration which usually begins at 2:00pm.  We spend a few hours with his brother's family, aunts, uncles, and cousins before heading to my mother's house where she hosts both my dad's side and her side of our extended family.  We spend the evening with my parents, my brother's family, aunts, uncles, and cousins before returning to our home where we collapse bone tired from the day's festivities.  That is if our adult children (and sometimes my mother and her cousins) don't talk us into an all night shopping spree.  Those all night shopping sprees were fun for a while but now I prefer to come home,  plop down in front of a Christmas movie, and shop online.  Now, let's talk about the food!  With the busy schedule I just described, I usually do all my cooking on Wednesday with a little touching up in the oven, microwave, or air fryer while we enjoy the parade on Thanksgiving morning.  My favorite contributions are chicken casserole, sweet potato soufflĂ©, and chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies.  Do you know what you are bringing to the Thanksgiving table this year?  If you have no idea, perhaps this list of 20 savory recipes for Thanksgiving dinner will help you decide.  

Feel free to add to the list in the comments section at the end of this post.  

20 Savory Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes

The Appetizer
The Appetizer

Let's start with an appetizer idea.  I found a new one that I might try this year.  How about fried olives?  This recipe posted by Carolina Gelen looks simple and delicious.  

The Charcuterie Board

Charcuterie boards are all the rage right now. There are a million ways to put one together, but if you need some inspiration, check out this Harvest Charcuterie Board for a tasty appetizer option from Melissa at No. 2 Pencil.

The Meats
The Meats

Now for the main attraction, the turkey!  Are you the one who cooks the turkey for your family Thanksgiving meal?  Maybe you are cooking the turkey this year, but you've never cooked a turkey before?  Melissa at No. 2 Pencil has you covered with her yummy looking Garlic Herb Butter Turkey Thanksgiving Recipe.  I don't have to cook the turkey this year but if I did, I would try this recipe out.

Sometimes we have more than one meat offered at our Thanksgiving celebrations.  If you want to add chicken, ham, roast (or all three), then consider adding the next two recipes to your family table.

Ginger Orange Roast Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts by Sarah at Whole and Heavenly Oven

CrockPot Ham by Jessica at The Novice Chef (Need a good slow cooker?  I have one similar to this one and I love it!)

Ribeye Roast with Garlic and Herb Crust over at Butter Your Biscuit.

Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes - The Dressing
The Dressing AKA The Stuffing

Jill at the Carefree Kitchen offers us Grandma's Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe.  She has included a video to help ensure that your stuffing turns out perfect.

Another popular stuffing or dressing recipe is this Make Ahead Sage Apple Stuffing from Denise at Sweet Peas and Saffron.

The Bread - Dinner Rolls
The Bread

We love Kings Hawaiian Dinner Rolls but if you want a homemade bread to serve at the Thanksgiving dinner table, try this Savory Monkey Bread recipe from Samantha Skaggs at Five Heart Home.

The Salad - Thanksgiving Dinner
The Salad

This unique Thanksgiving Brunch Salad by Lily Mathuse includes pork sausage, eggs, and caramelized apples.  It looks both delicious and filling.

Another delicious looking salad for the Thanksgiving dinner table is this Fall Harvest Salad from Georgia at The Home Cook's Kitchen.  This salad included candied walnuts and dried cherries!   Top it off with a maple balsamic dressing.


When I came across these Cheesy Roasted Broccoli Patties from Po' Man Meals, I decided to add these as a regular table staple at my house.  We all enjoy broccoli and think these will go over well every time.  Add these to your Thanksgiving meal and also enjoy them year round.  

Is it even Thanksgiving if a Green Bean Casserole isn't on the menu?  Check out this one from Betty Crocker.

As a child, I avoided sweet potatoes as much as possible, but a an adult, I can't get enough of them.  Add a little color to the plate with these Rosemary Parmesan Roasted Sweet Potatoes from Marcie at Flavor the Moments.

If vegan is how you roll, you'll love these Savory Vegan Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes from Healthy Taste of Life.

I live in the South where collard greens are just part of life.  I'll admit that they aren't one of my favorite foods, but I like them occasionally.  My mother used to cook them often and they were almost always on my grandmother's table no matter the day of the year.  If you aren't from the south and you've never had them, here's a great recipe for you to give them a try.  Check out Southern Collard Greens from Small Town Woman.

Raw carrots are great but cooked carrots are really great.  Add Roasted Carrots with Honey and Garlic to your table this year and watch them disappear fast.  This recipe is brought to us from Jennifer at Carlsbad Cravings.

Another pretty dish for the Thanksgiving dinner table is Roasted Fall Vegetables from Lauren at Delicious Little Bites.  You'll enjoy Brussels sprouts and butternut squash accented with cranberries and maple walnuts.

If you're doing the Paleo or Whole 30 lifestyle, you'll enjoy Ultimate Stuffed Roasted Acorn Squash from Michele at Paleo Running Momma.

Here's a different way to cook corn.  Have you ever had fried corn?  I've had boiled corn on the cob, creamed corn, corn casserole, but here's something different - Five Ingredient Garlic Fried Corn from Mariah at The Simple Parent.

I hope these suggestions will help you fill your table with foods your family will love.  

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


20 Savory Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes

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