Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son

The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son
The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son - Image Credit:  ensuedroff - CCO Public Domain Image via Pixabay

As we enter Genesis 18, we see Abraham sitting near his tent door.  Verse 1 tells us it was in the heat of the day.  Abraham was probably taking a break from the day's work to cool off.  When he looked up, he saw three men standing opposite him.  What does Abraham do?  He ran over to greet them but he did more than greet them.  He bowed down before them and called one of them "Lord." Abraham offers to wash their feet.  Then, he finds Sarah and tells her to bake them fresh bread.  According to the Believer's Bible Commentary, two of the men were angels and one of them was the Lord Himself.  Abraham and Sarah worked quickly to prepare a meal for the men.  Some scholars believe Abraham knew the identity of the three visitors.  Whether he knew their identities or not, this type of hospitality was typical in the Middle East in those days.

The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images - Creative Commons 3.0 - FreeBibleImages.org

The Lord Promises Abraham and Sara a Son

As the "men" were eating, they asked Abraham about Sarah, wondering where she was.  While Sarah was in the tent, she heard one of the men tell Abraham that they would return at the same time next year.  By that time, Sarah will have given birth to a son.  Sarah laughed at the idea because she was well past childbearing years.  The Lord (one of the men) asked Abraham why Sarah laughed.  "Is there anything too difficult for the Lord?" the man asked.  

The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son
Image Credit:  Free Bible Images - Creative Commons 3.0 - FreeBibleImages.org

Sarah denied that she had laughed because she was afraid, but the man (the Lord) said, "No, but you did laugh."

Can you imagine the scene?  I actually kind of laugh to myself at this scene.  

Sarah is in the tent doing her thing when she hears a man (she only knows him as a man) say she will have a baby by next year.

She laughs.  Wouldn't you laugh if you were past childbearing years?  I'm 52.  If a strange man stopped by my house and told me that I would have a baby by next year, I promise you that I would laugh too.  Sarah was 90!

The man (the Lord) asked her husband why she had laughed.

Sarah denied that she had laughed.  I can imagine her response, "UH, no sir.  I didn't laugh."

The man says, "Oh, but you DID laugh."

Sarah was busted.  

Answers Bookstore

Sarah was a woman of faith, but certainly we can understand her position.  She was a 90 year old barren woman.  I can understand the reason she reacted the way she did.

But God is faithful and true to His Word.  Even in spite of Sarah's doubting, the Lord repeated His promises to Abraham and Sarah the he again said in verse 14, "At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son."

You can read the Biblical account of this passage at Bible Gateway here.

Later on in Genesis 21, God's promise to Abraham and Sarah is fulfilled as their son, Isaac, is born to them.

Teach the Kids

Here are several resources for teaching children the story about the Lord's promise to give Abraham and Sarah a son.

The Promise by Kids' Korner

Genesis:  God's Promise to Abraham Fulfilled by Bible Fun for Kids

Is Anything Too Hard for The Lord? Scripture Page by Sunday School Zone

Abraham's 3 Visitors by Mission Bible Class

Sarah Laughs Video by Saddleback Kids

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The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son
Is anything too difficult for the Lord?  Genesis 18:14

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The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah A Son
The Lord Promises Abraham and Sarah a Son

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