Sunday, February 7, 2021

10 Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids - Roundup 2021

Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids
Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids
Valentine's Day is almost here again.  This is the week kids love making all sorts of fun Valentine's Day crafts and doing fun activities.  They can't get enough red and pink paper, dough, paints, and heart shaped fun.  There isn't a lot of time left to prepare but if you work fast, you can round up enough materials for your kids to create all sorts of fun crafts and play fun Valentine's Day games.  I hope this Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities For Kids Roundup will help you find the perfect activities for your kids.  Go ahead.  Make those memories!

Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids - Roundup 2021

1.  Go see Brittany at Paper Trail Design to download FREE printable I Spy Valentine sheets.  These printables are great for multiple grade levels.  They are great for home or classroom use.

2.  Head over to Little Bins for Little Hands to choose a Valentine's Day science experiment for your child to do at home.  Your child can learn to make slime,  a homemade lava lamp, dissolve candy, make bubbles, make foam, make heart shape crystals, and more.  They'll learn a little bit about physics and chemistry while they play.

3.  Go see Tam at Active Littles.  Your kids will love this one and so will adults.  Use dry erase markers to create floating hearts.  Look around and find other water experiments to try while you're there.  

4.  Hop over to Pint Sized Treasures and get a fun Valentine's Day scavenger hunt printable.  Choose from two or print them both.  

5.  Now this one is a super cool STEM activity.  Over at Productive Pete, Holly shows us the STEM activity she chose for her child's party.  If you have ever played with Lincoln Logs or anything similar, then you will enjoy this one.  Use craft sticks and candy hearts to build and build and build.  Fun!

Valentine's Day Bingo for Kids
This Valentine's Day Bingo Game for kids is available here.

6. does more than show you how to save money.  They also show you great things for your kids to do.  Here, they show us a list of 20 Valentine's Day fine motor skills activities.  While you're there, look around and read about how to live well and shop smart.

7.  These stained glass heart sun-catchers are gorgeous!  Learn how to make them at Adventure in a Box.  I want to make these myself.  They are so pretty.

8.  Do you love to play games with your kids?  Heidi over at Happiness is Homemade gives us a list of 30+ fun Valentine games for kids of all ages.  Check them out and plan a fun filled Valentine's Game Day with your family.

9.  Do your kids love to color?  Laura at Sunny Day Family has a free printable for you to download.  Head over there now to get your Valentine Coloring Pages and Activity Sheets for Kids.

10.  Want to add some painting fun to your Valentine's Day plans?  Your preschoolers will enjoy painting on heart shapes with pom poms.  They'll paint fuzzy little circles on to heart shapes.  See how Annette's example turned out at Tips From a Typical Mom.

Well there you have it!  You now have a list of 10 quick and easy Valentine's Day activities for your kids to do in honor of Valentine's Day.  You'll have a lot more than that if you click through to some of the other activities listed on those amazing blogs.  Enjoy your Valentine's Day with your family!  

You might also like:  40 Valentine's Day Books for Young Readers

Valentine's Day
Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids
Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day
Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

UPDATE:  Since this post was first published, the articles have either been removed from the Dayspring website or the links were changed.  However, you can still find a wealth of inspiration from many articles posted by many wonderful Dayspring writers here.

DaySpring Cards and Gifts is one of my favorite affiliate relationships here on the blog.  They provide greeting cards for every occasion throughout the year.  They offer hundreds of great gift ideas for everyone on your gift giving lists from January to December.  Most people know these things but did you know they also provide Christian encouragement and inspiration for all of life's mountaintops and valleys?  They have a team of bloggers who write about topics from the hard stuff of life and also topics of celebration.  They have several Christian focused articles available for Valentine's Day too.  Enjoy these wisdom filled articles of Christian inspiration for Valentine's Day.

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day 

A Recipe for Love from Ephesians 4 by Melody

A Recipe for Love from Ephesians 4 via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

Doesn’t it feel like we get so many mixed messages? I mean, what is love, really? Sometimes it feels like it’s all hearts and flowers and heart-shaped candy boxes, oohs-and-ahhs and isn’t-he-so-cute and cartoon princes rescuing damsels in distress and romantic movies with violins swelling as the couples run toward each other in slow motion with arms open wide and… Oh! My. Gracious.

Sometimes it can feel a little superficial, like the recipe for finding and expressing love ranges from sitting idly awaiting our white knight to presenting our loved one an annual box of chocolates. Searching for love can be overwhelming, and expressing love may seem complex.

So, let’s look for a better understanding of love. And let’s go to the source of loveGodand consult the Word for the true “recipe” for expressing love. After all, God is love, so it’s only natural we look to him for love advice.

Let’s start with the beautiful recipe for love in Ephesians 4. It begins by urging for us to walk in the manner in which we have been called—with humility, gentleness and patience, standing together in love, with unity, with peace: Read the full article here.

Peanuts Boxed Valentine Cards and Stickers by Dayspring

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

 3 Phrases Every Couple Should Say Daily by Michelle Reyes

3 Phrases Every Couple Should Say Daily
3 Phrases Every Couple Should Say Daily via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

But there’s something else from that special day that I will never forget: our pastor’s message. He challenged us to say three phrases to each other daily, and my husband and I have literally been saying these three phrases to each other every day for the past nine years. I cannot tell you what a huge difference this has made in the life, health and stability of our marriage. I highly encourage you to say them to your spouse as well and to see the difference that it makes:  Read the full article here.

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage Today by Rachel Wojo

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage Today
3Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage Today via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

Whether it’s been 10 weeks or 20 years. But the one thing that has not changed is your desire to have a strong marriage. You really love each other and long to hold to your wedding vows.

No matter how much you crave a strong marriage, evaluating your daily relationship decisions is a wonderful way to build that marriage you desire. Daily routine can easily dictate over your desire for a healthy marriage, but the good news is that you have the power to make your marriage stronger with a few basic actions. Take a look at these 3 way to strengthen your marriage today!  Read the full article here.

The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

Bless Your Friends on Valentine's Day by Brittany

Bless Your Friends on Valentine's Day via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

This Valentine’s Day, you have the unique opportunity to share God’s love with your friends—an opportunity that may not present itself in the future. So, why not reach out to your single friends, show them kindness, let them know how much you cherish them, and remind them of all the blessings in their lives? Celebrating with friends allows you to see Valentine's Day in a beautiful new light. Read the full article here.

5 Ways to Express Love by Gary Chapman

5 Ways to Express Love
5 Ways to Express Love via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

In my early years as a marriage counselor, time and time again, I often noticed that couples would voice similar complaints regarding their marriage. One spouse would say something to the effect of, "I feel like he doesn't love me," as the other spouse would then retort, "I don't know what else to do. I’m doing everything I ought to." Realizing there was a pattern, I scoured through the 12 years’ worth of notes I made while counseling couples and then asked myself the question, "When someone said, 'I feel like my spouse doesn't love me,' what do they want? What are they attempting to communicate?" Remarkably, I found their answers fell into five categories, revealing a unique approach in how to effectively love another person.  Read the full article here.

Finding Loveliness in Every Day by Gini

Finding Loveliness in Every Day via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

Let’s find the beauty in every day. We can train ourselves to look for the sunset, to take the time to delight in that one lone flower standing strong, completely undisturbed by the sub-zero degree weather. Because, “God is love” 1 John 4:8 NIV. So, by filling our hearts with love for all that surrounds us, we are filling our hearts with God. And, let’s face it, there is nothing that can help us through our everyday lives more than His peaceful presence.  Read the full article here.

Perfect Valentine's Gifts for all 5 Love Languages by Amber

Perfect Valentine's Gifts for all 5 Love Languages
Perfect Valentine's Gifts for all 5 Love Languages via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

My husband and I took the 5 Love Languages quiz from the book by Dr. Gary Chapman and we discovered something surprising—our expressions of love to each other have been lost in translation for years. While my husband had assumed his thoughtfully-chosen gifts and tokens of affection were the way to my heart, the love language that most speaks to me is ‘quality time.’ I was sure his love language would be ‘words of affirmation,’ but instead it is ‘acts of service’—so every time I offered a compliment, it didn’t reach his heart in the way I thought it would. Who knew? Now that we’ve figured out our love languages, finding the perfect Valentine's Day gift is far less stressful.

This Valentine’s Day, how can you choose the perfect gift to suit your spouse’s love language? We’ve put together a list of Valentine’s Day gifts for each of the five love languages, so you can show your partner affection in a way that speaks to them.  Read the full article here.

Loving in the Tough Times by Gini

Loving in the Tough Times
Loving in the Tough Times via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

It’s hard, but we must remember not only to accept love during the tough times, but to also give love. Again, it’s hard, but sometimes all it takes is getting out of bed and asking for a group hug. Because, you see, as Christians, we are called to encourage one another, to lift each other up and to trust that God is in control of every situation. So, take a deep breath and ask God to fill your heart with His love as you face the difficult days ahead, remember to accept love and encouragement from your friends and family, and don’t forget to love them in return.  Read the full article here.

The Berenstain Bears Valentine Blessings

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day
The Berenstain Bears Valentine Blessings

6 Ways to Show Love This Year by Amber

6 Ways to Show Love This Year
6 Ways to Show Love This Year via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

God loves everyone—and He calls us to do the same selflessly, without expectation of something in return. Love is given utmost importance in His Word. We are expected to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind—and to love our neighbor, too. What is love? The ‘Love Verse’ at 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is an oft-quoted Scripture that reminds us love is patient and kind; not envious, boastful, or full of pride. How can we apply this in 2021?  Read the full article here.

Think Lovely Thoughts by Gini

Think Lovely Thoughts
Think Lovely Thoughts via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

This Valentine’s Day, we invite you to change the way you think—not just during this holiday season, but every day of your life. We invite you to take every opportunity to celebrate His love. Maybe this means forgiving the driver who just cut you off, and instead of letting your thoughts lead you to anger, allow God’s love to fill you. Or, maybe it means letting go of your feelings of jealousy toward a close friend, and filling up with thoughts of praise for what God has given you instead. Whatever the circumstance, remember to pray and ask God to turn your thoughts toward Him and He will show a path that leads to a peaceful mind, filled with all-things true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.  Read the full article here.

Cherishing the Blessing of Family This Valentine's Day by Gini


Cherishing the Blessing of Family This Valentine's Day
Cherishing the Blessing of Family This Valentine's Day via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

We don’t typically think of family first on Valentine’s Day because it is best known as a celebration between lovers. Young couples all over the nation will be getting engaged while married couples will be enjoying a kid-free night out at their favorite restaurants and meanwhile, a 15-year-old girl will receive her first Valentine’s Day present from someone she will always refer to as her “first love.” And, it is in these moments that we should praise God for His beauty because this type of can’t-live-without-you, heart-pounding love is simply beautiful.

The question is: when we’re deciding how to celebrate Valentine’s Day, how might we expand on this holiday to also celebrate our love for family?  Read the full article here.

Floral Valentine's Day Cards

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

Friendship Gift Guide by Gini

Friendship Gift Guide
Friendship Gift Guide via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

We’ve all been there - running around from store to store at the last minute trying to find just the right birthday or Valentine's gift for that hard-to-buy-for friend. Then, with only minutes left to decide, we end up grabbing something that she might like before heading over to the party, all the while feeling like we’ve let our friend down. And, why? Well, because we are showing up with a meaningless gift that just doesn’t quite represent how much we truly care for her.

At DaySpring, we want to provide you with heartfelt, meaningful gifts that will truly celebrate the special friendships in your life.  Read the full article here.

Things We Do For Love by Renee Swope

Things We Do For Love
Things We Do For Love via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

The thought of God loving me without any conditions was inconceivable, yet something deep in my soul told me it was true. I had been looking for love that didn’t have to be earned. Love I didn’t have to fear I could lose. Honestly, though, it took me a while to see how God’s love could fill the emptiness in my heart.  Read the full article here.

3 Prayers for Your Child's Future Spouse by Kristin

3 Prayers for Your Child's Future Spouse
3 Prayers for Your Child's Future Spouse via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

God has truly been gracious in answering those pleas. He hasn’t just shown me how to pray for my children; He has also shown me who else to pray for. I pray for the people who have influence in their daily lives...their friends, their teachers, their coaches, and their youth leaders. But I also pray for the people who will have the most influence in their lives. Although nameless and faceless to me right now, I earnestly pray for my children's future spouses, because one day, they will be my children, too.  Read the full article here.

Valentine's Day Throw Pillow

Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

The Quiet Power of a Friendship Necklace by Gini

The Quiet Power of a Friendship Necklace
The Quiet Power of a Friendship Necklace via DaySpring Cards and Gifts

There's nothing like the bond of faith and friendship—it's lifting each other in prayer, being there no matter what, and offering a little encouragement just when it's needed most. Our (in)courage-inspired Wear-One-Share-One Friendship Necklace Sets were created for connections like thatone friend praying over the other and watching how the Lord works beautifully in her life. Below are some true stories of how these Christian friendship necklaces have empowered sisters-in-Christ to lean on each other and God in their daily lives.  Read the full article here.

You might also like:  10 Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Activities for Kids 


Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day
Christian Inspiration for Valentine's Day

How to Live Life Generously (Step Up Series)

How to Life Life Generously
How to Live Life Generously
Generosity is more about what God wants for you than what He wants from you.  Today's scripture passage is in 1 Chronicles 29.

Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord wholeheartedly, and King David also rejoiced greatly.

David’s Prayer

So David blessed the Lord in the sight of all the assembly; and David said, “Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and on the earth; Yours is the dominion, Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all. Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone. Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name.

“But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given to You. 15 For we are strangers before You, and temporary residents, as all our fathers were; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope. 16 Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided to build You a house for Your holy name, it is from Your hand, and everything is Yours. 17 Since I know, my God, that You put the heart to the test and delight in uprightness, I, in the integrity of my heart, have willingly offered all these things; so now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here, make their offerings willingly to You.  - 1 Chronicles 29:9-17

The following are my Bible study notes based on my pastor's sermon.  You are invited to watch, listen, and worship with us here.

What if there was one specific practice in life that would guarantee the following?

1.  Bring you constant joy

2.  Bring others joy

3.  Meet your greatest need while meeting the needs of others.

4.  Open up the windows of Heaven and invite God's blessings into your life

5.  Protect you from envy, greed, comparison, and self-absorbed living

Here is the one word that brings these results - generosity.  Generosity is more than meeting a need.  Meeting a need is great, but to be generous is to "give to overflowing."   All God puts into our hands should flow from our fingertips to others. What keeps us from living life wide open with generosity?  STUFF

There is nothing wrong with having things, but it is wrong when things have you.

How to Live Life Generously

1.  Ownership

All we have belongs to God.

The earth is the Lords, and all it contains,
The world, and those who live in it.
For He has founded it upon the seas
And established it upon the rivers. - Psalm 24:1-2

Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and on the earth; Yours is the dominion, Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all. 12 Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone. 13 Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name.

14 “But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given to You. - 1 Chronicles 29:11-14

How to Live Life Generously
This item is available here.

God is the source.  We are not the source.

For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it, either. - 1 Timothy 6:7

 “Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God by failing to keep His commandments, His ordinances, and His statutes which I am commanding you today; 12 otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, and you build good houses and live in them, 13 and when your herds and your flocks increase, and your silver and gold increase, and everything that you have increases, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; 15 He who led you through the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions, and its thirsty ground where there was no water; He who brought water for you out of the rock of flint. 16 In the wilderness it was He who fed you manna which your fathers did not know, in order to humble you and in order to put you to the test, to do good for you in the end. 17 Otherwise, you may say in your heart, ‘My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.’ 18 But you are to remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, in order to confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. - Deuteronomy 8:11-18

If you don't own it, you don't worry about it.  Let the Owner, God, worry about it.

2.  Stewardship 

God entrusts some things to me.

For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given to You. - 1 Chronicles 29:14

For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. - Matthew 25:14

God is trustworthy?  Are we trustworthy?

We don't own our stuff.  We just manage all that God has entrusted to us.

3.  Worship

Everything is entrusted to us for His glory. 

Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided to build You a house for Your holy name, it is from Your hand, and everything is Yours. - 1 Chronicles 29:16

Trusting God is an act of worship.

Every time we act generously, we are reflecting the heart of God. 

I want to say to God, "God, You are worthy of my trust.  I want to honor You with all my stuff." 


How to Live Life Generously
How to Life Life Generously

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