Monday, December 13, 2021

'Tis The Season For Cooking!

How much do we love the holidays? Honestly, between Thanksgiving, end-of-year parties, dinner parties at home, and the lead-up to Christmas, we’re blessed with a veritable treasure chest of culinary pursuits, heavily laden tables, and the bliss that comes from breaking bread with family and friends. 

But all of that wonderful food doesn’t come without a cost and we’re not talking financially. At least not in this context, rather we’re talking about that most hated of culinary currencies - the calorie!

So how do we feast our way through December and still start the new year strong? Dear reader, we may have just solved that problem for you.

'Tis the Season for Cooking!

Image by AnonymousTraveller 


The easiest way to navigate your way through healthy eating this December is to plan for it. Knowing what parties you’re hosting, who’ll be attending, and what you intend on doing over Christmas and the new year will help you break down what your shopping list needs to look like, and where you mean to get your supplies from. 

A good menu planner is not just about ingredients, it’s also about the availability of those ingredients. Bertagna Family Farms is a great source because the product high-quality healthy foods and all the ingredients you could want for a delectable, fresh and healthy table spread.


Fresh, naturally and organically produced foods and ingredients don’t have to compromise on taste and presentation. The opposite is actually true, because a table decked with brightly colored fruits and vegetables doesn’t just burst onto the tastebuds, but it also revitalizes the imagination.

Snack on Raw Organic Almonds, yogurt, and honey for something sweet, and roasted vegetables in olive oil and rosemary, sage, and other exotic spices and herbs will leave your visitors craving more, and feeling as if they could actually have more.


When you can, support your local industries and farms. Not only will this mean you have fresher produce but you’ll also be taking part in the economic recovery of local economies in the United States. (Or wherever you might find yourself).


We’re always so tempted to over-prepare and ensure that our tables are creaking under the weight of giant turkeys, serving bowls overflowing with their contents - and then having to live off leftovers for the next few days.

Planning your meals and preparing them with quality, fresh ingredients go a long way to make sure that tummies are well filled without excess and waste. It is the perfect time of year to celebrate all of God’s goodness while being mindful of everyone who might not be in that same position. Quite literally, food for thought.


Do some homework. Search for recipes that will appeal to your family’s palette and still hit your healthy eating goals. Remember, you don’t have to abandon all of your favorites, you just have to make a few smarter choices and over the season, they will lead to big results.

We want you to have a blessed, safe, and prosperous season filled with love and abundance. So happy eating, and happy Christmas!


Tis the Season for Cooking - Holiday Meal Planning

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