Monday, March 28, 2022

Sarah's Creek Road: Our First Off Road Adventure in Our New Jeep Gladiator Mojave

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail

My husband finally did it.  After years of hard work, saving, and planning, he finally bought his Jeep Gladiator Mojave.  He's like a kid in a candy store on Christmas Eve.  Over the weekend, we were able to enjoy our first off road adventure.  (I'll be adding off road trails to the travel section of this blog!😃)  For our first adventure, we decided to try Sarah's Creek Road near Clayton, Georgia.  The trail is considered an easier one but you will need 4 wheel drive to complete it.  It runs about 9 miles long and takes a little over 4 hours to complete.  Sarah's Road get a 4 star rating on  The trail is open year round.  If you enjoy camping, there are plenty of campsites in various locations throughout the trail. 

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  The Beginning of the Trail

The beginning of the trail is paved but turns into a gravel trail shortly.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Near the Warwoman Wildlife Management Area

The off-road trail is near the Warwoman Wildlife Management Area.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Hitting the Gravel

It doesn't take long to hit the gravel, and then the real fun begins.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Picnic Tables and Grills for Off Road Dining

Along the way, you'll find areas for outdoor grilling and off road dining.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
My Husband's Jeep Gladiator Mojave

We enjoyed the trail in my husband's new Jeep Gladiator Mojave.  We saw others completing the trail in various other vehicles.  You will need 4-wheel drive on this trail.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Trial:  Restroom Facilities

There aren't many places to use the restroom so be prepared for limited restroom facilities.  Toward the beginning of the trail, we came upon one of the first campsites.  The restroom here is more like a portable potty on the inside.  There is no sink for washing hands so you might want to have baby wipes, adult disposable washcloths, and hand sanitizer with you.  

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Water Crossing 1

You'll get several opportunities to cross the creek.  This was our first water crossing - a piece of cake.😃

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Water Crossing 2

 This was our second water crossing.  Our Gladiator glided right over as smooth as silk.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Beautiful Water and Scenery

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Beautiful Water and Scenery

The water was crystal clear in most areas.  It's still a little too cold for water wading (for me, at least).  We plan to go back when the weather is warmer to splash around in the water.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Water Crossing 

Another water crossing:  The water crossings (there were only a few) were fairly simple.  They varied by depth and narrowness.  A couple of them seemed more challenging than the others but we had no trouble crossing and climbing out of the water on the other side.  Again, you will need 4 wheel drive for this trail.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  A Beautiful Off Road Trail

Enjoy the beauty of nature as you travel.  It is early spring here in North Georgia so there aren't a lot of flowering trees and plants just yet but there is plenty of greenery and a few early blooming flowering trees along the way.  We'll go back later in the summer to enjoy the trail in full summer bloom.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Just a Few Bumps 

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  A Few More Bumps

Some areas of the trail are a little rougher than others,  Some areas are fairly smooth.  Some are more challenging.  The entire trail is enjoyable.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Jeep Gladiator Mojave

You may or may not get muddy on this trail.  It was a dry day so the mud was minimal.  I think my husband was a little disappointed that there wasn't more mud on his Jeep to show for his efforts. 😂 

Sarah's Creek:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Creek Water

Enjoy the beautiful creek waters along the way.

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Creek Water

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail
Sarah's Creek Road:  Water Crossing

I will say that our first off road experience was a success.  We did not make it over what we believe was the final hump of the trail.  After reading a few reviews of the trail, we aren't the only ones who had to give that one up.  We are beginners so we still have a lot to learn and apparently more equipment to add to our adventure supply.  

Some things you should consider bringing on this trail:

Backpack (In case you decide to hike or if you need to leave your vehicle and go for help)
Granola Bars (We wished we had taken snacks.)
Cooler (for drinks, meats, and other groceries if you intend to use the outdoor grills)
Charcoal (for the outdoor grills)
Change of Clothes and Shoes (You might get pretty muddy if you get stuck.)
Baby Wipes (or disposable washcloths)
Hand Sanitizer (There are no sinks at the restroom facilities.)
First Aid Kit (Just in Case)
Don't forget your cell phone and make sure it's charged.  
Again, you'll need 4 wheel drive to complete this trail.

That's about it.  The trail is considered a beginner's trail.  It only takes a few hours to complete so you don't really need much.  We didn't have most of the above items with us but we realized, about halfway through the trail, that we wished we had brought more of those items along.

If you enjoy off road trails and you find yourself in the North Georgia area, give it a try.

We look forward to trying more tails as we add off road adventures to our abundant family living lifestyle.  

Sarah's Creek Road:  Off Road Trail

Sarah's Creek road:  Off Road Trail
4 Things to Know When Camping as a Family

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Easter Treat Ideas for Your Family Table

Easter Treat Ideas for Your Family Table
Easter Treat Ideas for Your Family Table

Easter is almost here!  Here are several fun easter treat ideas for your family table.  These are the cutest ideas so be sure to check them all out. 

Easter Treat Ideas for Your Family Table

Easter Bunny Bark from The Decorated Cookie

Spring Flower Pretzel Bites from Two Sisters

Rice Krispie Easter Chicks from Crafty Morning

Easter Basket Bundt Cake Recipe from I Think We Could Be Friends

No Bake Mini Egg Easter Nests from Sugar, Spice, and Glitter

Chocolate Cheesecake Easter Dirt Cups from iHeartPublix

How to Make Jello Eggs from Mommy's Fabulous Finds

Easter Popcorn Recipe:  Pastel Chocolate Covered Popcorn from MomFoodie

Vanilla Cake Pops from Simply Homecooked

Easter Basket Charcuterie Board from Kelleynan

Easter Treat Ideas for Your Family Table
Easter Treat Idas for Your Family Table

Easter Blossom Sugar Cookies from My Kitchen Craze

Easter No Bake Miniature Cheesecakes from Super Hero! 

Easter Rice Krispies Treats from Inside Bru Crew Life

Edible Easter Bunny Snow Globe from Brilliant Little Ideas

Deviled Egg Chicks from Savory Experiments

Dipped Easter Egg Treats from Mom Luck

Easter Chex Party Mix from Chex

Sugar Cookie Easter Egg Fruit Pizza from Today's Creative Life

Egg BLT Sliders from Eggland's Best

Easter Center Piece for Your Table from Mom TrendsYou might also like:  

Christian Easter Activities for Kids

You might be interested in this FREE Easter mini lesson.

Jacob's Flocks Increase and Jacob Runs from Laban

Jacob's Flocks Increase and Jacob Runs from Laban
Jacob's Flocks Increase and Jacob Runs from Laban

We are continuing through our Coloring through Genesis series featuring my Beautiful Word Coloring Bible.  When we last left off, Rachel had just given birth to Joseph.  After Joseph's birth, Jacob wanted to go back to Canaan, his homeland.  Jacob had worked for Laban for many years in order to marry Leah and Rachel.  Now he is ready to return, with his wives and children, to his own family. 

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Jacob wishes to leave Laban and return to his own family.

Laban knows that the Lord has blessed him because of Jacob so he wants Jacob to stay.  He says to Jacob, "Name your wages and I will pay them."

Jacob tells Laban that his flocks have increased through the years that Jacob has worked for him.  Now he wants to do something for his own household.

Jacob and Laban made an agreement.  Jacob tells Laban:

"If you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them.  Let me go through all your flocks today and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark colored lamb, and every spotted or speckled goat.  They will be my wages.  And my honesty will testify for me in the future whenever you check on the wages you have paid me.  Any goat in my possession that is not speckled or spotted or any lamb that is not dark colored will be considered stolen." Genesis 30:31-33

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban

 Laban agrees and then puts three days distance between himself and Jacob.  

Jacob takes fresh cut branches from poplar, almond, and plane trees and makes white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches.  Then he places the peeled branches in all the watering troughs so that they are directly in front of the flocks when they come to drink.  The flocks mate in front of the branches and then bare young that are streaked, speckled, or spotted.  

Jacob separates his flocks from Laban's flocks but when the stronger females go into heat, he places the branches in the troughs in front of the animals so they that mate near the branches.  If the animals are weak, he does not place the branches in the troughs.  The weak animals go to Laban and the strong animals stay with Jacob.  Jacob becomes prosperous and comes to own large flocks.  

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Jacob separates his own flocks from Laban's flocks.

Jacob finds out that Laban's sons blame him for taking their father's flocks and gaining wealth from what belongs to their father.  He also notices that Laban's attitude toward him isn't what it once was.

The Lord tells Jacob:

"Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives and I will be with you." Genesis 31:3

Jacob's Flocks Increase and 

Jacob Runs From Laban 

Jacob sends for Leah and Rachel.  He tells them that God has taken away Laban's flocks because the young are born streaked or speckled so God has given them to Jacob.  Jacob, Rachel, and Leah all agree that they should leave.

Rachel steals her father's household gods and then Jacob flees to Canaan with his wives and all he owns.

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Jacob flees with his family and all he owns without telling Laban he is leaving.

When Laban finds out that Jacob has fled, he pursues Jacob for 7 days.  He catches up with him but God tells Laban, in a dream, not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.

The next day, Laban confronts Jacob and asks him why he has fled without even allowing him to say goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren.  He wants to know why Jacob fled and why he stole his gods.

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Laban confronts Jacob about his leaving without notice.

Jacob explains to Laban that he was afraid Laban might take away his daughters.  He adds that he has taken nothing from Laban's home but Laban can search and if he finds his god, whoever took it will be put to death.  Jacob has no idea that Rachel took the god.  

Laban searches but doesn't find the god because it is hidden beneath a saddle and Rachel is sitting on it.

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Laban searches for his stolen god but does not find it.

Jacob is angry because he is falsely accused so he says to Laban:

"I have been with you for twenty years.  Your sheep and goats have not miscarried nor have I eaten rams from your flocks.  I did not bring you animals torn by wild beasts.  I bore the loss myself.  And you demanded payment from me for whatever was stolen by day or night.  This was my situation.  The heat consumed me in the daytime and the cold at night and sleep fled from my eyes.  It was like this for the twenty years that I was in your household.  I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks and you changed my wages ten times.  If the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the Fear of Isaac had not been with me, you would surely have sent me away empty-handed.  But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands and last night, he rebuked you." - Genesis 31:38-42

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Jacob is angry because he is falsely accused.

 Laban answers Jacob:

The women are my daughters.  The children are my children and the flocks are my flocks.  All you see is mine.  Yet what can I do today about these daughters of mine or about the children they have borne?  Come now and let's make a covenant and let it serve as a witness between us." Genesis 31:43-44

Laban and Jacob make a covenant:

Jacob takes a stone and sets it up as a pillar.  He tells his relatives to gather up stones.   They take the stones and pile them in a heap, and they eat there by the heap.  Laban calls the heap Jegar Sahadutha, and Jacob calls it Galeed.  

Laban says that the heap is a witness between himself and Jacob on this day.  That is why it is called Galeed.  It is also called Mizpah, because he said:

"May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.  If you mistreat my daughters or if you take any wives besides my daughters, even though no one is with us, remember that God is a witness between you and me." Genesis 31:49

Let's talk about this verse for a second.  When my husband was in the Marine Corps, this is a verse I claimed for us when we were apart. 

"May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other." 

This is a good verse to claim when we are separated from the ones we love but I realize now that in its original context, it was a prayer about asking God to make sure Jacob and Laban did right by each other when they were not together.  This verse was not a loving sentiment but a pact between two cheats. 

I thought this was and interesting observation so I wanted to include my thoughts about it. 

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Jacob and Laban make a covenant.

 Laban goes on to say:

"Here is this heap and here is this pillar that I have set up between you and me.  this heap is a witness and this pillar is a witness that I twill not go past this heap to your side to harm you and that you will not go past this heap and pillar to my side to harm me.  May the God of Abraham and God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us." - Genesis 31:51-53

Jacob takes an oath in the name of the Fear of his father Isaac.  He offers a sacrifice there in the hill country and invites his relatives to a meal.  After they eat, they spend the night there.  The next morning, Laban kisses his grandchildren and his daughters and blesses them.  Then he leaves to go home.

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Laban kisses his grandchildren and goes home.

Teach the Children

There really isn't a lot of content out there for this particular lesson for kids but I did find this one and it's a good one.  This lesson from Ministry-to-Children uses this Bible story to teach children that our God and His blessings are unstoppable.  There is a complete lesson plan with review questions and activities.

You'll find this lesson here at Ministry to Children.

Jacob Runs from Laban
God's Blessings are Unstoppable:  An Bible Lesson Activity for Kids

Here is a video of this lesson to watch and discuss with your kids.


Images from this Bible story are from Sweet Publishing via Free Bible Images.

New Printables!

I have added several new printables to my shop.  I hope you'll stop by Abundant Family Living on Etsy and take a peek.  

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
It is not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him. - Genesis 2:18

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
As long as the earth endures, seedtime & harvest, cold & heat, summer & winter, day & night will never cease - Genesis 8:22

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
I have set my rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.  Genesis 9:13

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. - Genesis 6:9

Jacob's Flocks Increase and He Runs from Laban
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. - Genesis 28:15

Jacob's Flocks Increase and Jacob Runs from Laban
Jacob's Flocks Increase and Jacob Runs From Laban

Friday, March 18, 2022

7 Days of Creation Flip Book for Kids

Hello All! I have a new item available for teaching kids about the 7 days of creation.

I created a new flipbook for kids to teach them about the 7 days of creation as described in Genesis. Print out the PDF file at home. Cut out the pages. Staple them in order. Your child can color the cover page and also the right column on most pages. Print out on card stock for durability. Consider laminating the pages and perhaps binding them with rings. Read it over and over and over again.
7 Days of Creation Flip Book for Kids
7 Days of Creation Flip Book for Kids
Each page features colorful illustrations to help children learn and remember what God created on each day of the first 7 days.  Before doing this flip book activity with your kids, I recommend that you read the historical account with them from the actual Bible first.  Children's Bible story books are OK, but I recommend that you read to them from a full Bible translation.  

Here are a few good ones:

The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids:  You'll find my full review of this Bible here.
7 Days of Creation Flip Book for Kids
The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids

The Thompson Chain Reference Bible:  You'll find my full review of this Bible here.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Easy Way to Become a Vegetarian

The Easy Way to Become a Vegetarian

Source - CCO License

First of all, if you follow this blog, you know that my family enjoys meat - lots of meat. However, have you noticed the price of meat lately? Meat has become more expensive and the price seems to increase almost daily. Maybe you find it challenging to squeeze meaty meals into your food budget or perhaps you need to stop eating meat for health reasons - or any number of reasons, you might enjoy the following suggestions.

If you have been thinking of becoming a vegetarian for a long time, then there are many things that you might want to bear in mind in order to make it as easy as possible. The truth is that being a vegetarian is not too challenging once you get into it, although you might find that the process of changing over your diet can take a while. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the things that can make it a little easier to become a vegetarian. As long as you have thought of the following, you’ll find it’s a much simpler process.

The Easy Way To Become A Vegetarian

Start Slowly

For most people, it can be something of a challenge to suddenly cut out all animal products from your diet. You will probably find that it’s a lot easier and simpler to start slowly and gradually work your way up to eating no meat, so that is something that you are going to want to consider here. Limit yourself to one or two meat meals a week, and then reduce even further if you are comfortable to do so. You’ll soon find that it’s no big deal to go without meat at all.

Gain A Few Core Recipes

Before you start out, it’s wise to have a few core recipes that you can use in order to ensure that you are doing all you can to become a vegetarian more easily. That might include anything that you have always thought must be nice to eat - such as a stir-fry that you know you’ve been meaning to try. On top of that, you might want to try out something new to you too, such as an Indian style cabbage curry. Having these in your toolbelt will help you massively in becoming a vegetarian a lot more easily.

Substitute Meat

One way to approach this too is to simply substitute out meat for vegetables here and there. If you do this, eventually you are going to find that you have many meals that you used to have, which you can now have by simply replacing the meat with vegetables. You might be surprised at how many meals this applies to, and it’s quite simply a great way to ensure that you are making the most of the meals you already have in your repertoire. This is one reason to try things out this way, and why you shouldn’t find going veggie all that hard.

Work On Your Mindset

Finally, bear in mind that most people will probably simply need to change something in the way they think, and that actually this might be one of the most important things you need to do if you are going to try and become a vegetarian. As long as you have worked on your mindset, you should find that you can much more easily become a vegetarian, so make sure that you are doing this as soon as possible. It will really help you out.


The Easy Way to Become a Vegetarian
The Easy Way to Become a Vegetarian

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