Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Quick Guide on Improving Your School's Infrastructure, Big or Small

It goes without saying that good school infrastructure is vitally important. A well-functioning school infrastructure impacts everything from teaching and learning outcomes to the school's overall environment. Unfortunately, many schools around the world lack proper infrastructure. This can be due to various reasons, including lack of funds or political instability. In this quick guide, we will explore some ways that you can improve your school's infrastructure, regardless of its size or level of development.

Improving Your School's Infrastructure

A Quick Guide on Improving Your Schools Infrastructure

Big or Small

1.) Maintain your infrastructure.

One of the most important things you can do to improve your school's infrastructure is to ensure that your buildings are well-maintained. This means regularly checking for leaks, cracks, and other damage. It also means ensuring that your school grounds are clean and free of litter.

If your school buildings are in disrepair, it negatively impacts both students and teachers. It can also lead to a decline in teaching and learning outcomes. Furthermore, it can be costly to repair damaged buildings, so it’s important to nip any problems in the bud before they become too big (or expensive) to fix.

2.) Invest in technology.

Another way to improve your school's infrastructure is to invest in technology. This can involve simple things like updating your computers and software or more complex initiatives like implementing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy.

Investing in technology can have a major impact on teaching and learning outcomes. It can also make your school more efficient and save you money in the long run. For example, you can reduce your electricity bills by investing in energy-efficient appliances.

If you’re not sure where to start when investing in technology, there are plenty of resources available online. Alternatively, you could speak to a company that specializes in education technology.

3.) Partner with a management company.

One of the best ways to improve your school's infrastructure is to partner with a management company. A management company can provide student focused partnership services like bringing your vision to life to technology upgrades. In addition, partnering with a management company can take a lot of the pressure off you and your staff, freeing up time and resources that can be better spent on teaching and learning.

There are many different management companies, so it’s essential to do your research before choosing one. Once you’ve found a company you think would be a good fit for your school, contact it and see what services it offers.

4.) Seek out external funding.

If your school is struggling to raise funds for infrastructure improvements, there are a number of external sources you can tap into. For example, many governments offer grants for schools looking to improve their facilities. In addition, several charities and foundations provide funding for education-related projects. Do some research and see what funding opportunities are available in your country or region. You may be surprised at the amount of money out there waiting to be accessed.

There are many ways to improve your school's infrastructure, regardless of its size or level of development. By following the tips in this quick guide, you can make a big difference to your school and the quality of education it provides.

Improving School Infrastructure

Late Night Date Ideas

If you have children, full-time jobs, and countless other things going on - the only date time you get might be at night. In fact, it might be late into the evening. 

While most of the time you are going to want to be bright and sparkly, ready for some deep and meaningful conversation - sometimes it is the time that is spent that is more important. 

So if you are pinched for time and looking for a great way to spend time together, here are some of the easiest and most enjoyable late-night date ideas. 

Late Night Date Ideas

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Late Night Date Ideas


If your kids are older and you no longer need a babysitter, then a late-night stroll can be relaxing. If your kids are younger, paying a babysitter for an hour or two is well worth it for the time you spend together.

Living in a safe area or somewhere where there is a beach or a promenade nearby might be just what the doctor ordered. 

Depending on where you are, you might be lucky enough to find a coffee shop and take a warm drink with you. 

Comfort Food

After feeding the kids and closing the laptop or taking work clothing off for the day, there can be nothing as wonderful as decompressing and finding pizza places open late. Ordering something that you both like - or a half and a half for a compromise and sitting with each other and relaxing. 

Is it glamorous? Perhaps not, but it does relieve the pressure of doing something out of the house and finding babysitters. 


Are you both on different schedules - one on nights and one on days? Perhaps the only time that you can find to make sure you really have is those few hours as the sun rises. One thing will always be true, and that is that the sunrise will always be stunning. 

It can be a life-affirming moment that can make everything feel ‘ok’ even if the pressure builds up. 

Perhaps the time you have together is just the mornings on the weekends, in which case a very early morning coffee and sitting in peace can be that late night/early morning date you need. 

Movie Night 

Is there a new movie coming out that your partner would love? Combine the comfort food, and rent or buy the movie on a streaming channel. If you don’t have any streaming services, then take a look at what offers you can find just for one month and then cancel the membership. 


There are many ways to be romantic and intimate and recognize when your partner is stressed and needs to relieve tension. We often carry tension in our shoulders. Warming coconut oil or using essential oils can help you to unknot their shoulders. 

We are more likely to share our issues, and that can mean you communicate on a deeper level. 

If you are working on your relationships this year, and not just with your partner, here are some great suggestions: 6 Ways to Show Love This Year


Monday, May 16, 2022

How to Get Your Business Seen by Your Customers

How to Get Your Business Seen by Your Customers

How to Get Your Business Seen by Your Customers

The first step to getting your business seen is to make sure that you are presenting your company in the best light. This means that you should have a well-written and professional website. You also need to be active on social media, blog, and email marketing. And of course, you need to have a good product or service. If you want more customers, then it is important that you know what they want and how they find new businesses. This includes knowing what keywords they use when searching for your type of business. Let’s consider what this looks like in practice.

The Importance of Marketing

Marketing is the backbone of any business. It is the process of promoting, selling and distributing a product or service to potential customers. Marketing is about understanding your customer, knowing who you are talking to and what they want. It is about building trust and creating relationships with your customers so that they will buy from you again. Marketing can be done in many ways such as online marketing, social media marketing and content marketing.

Website Marketing

A lot of companies are turning to the internet for marketing their products and services. A website is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. It’s the first contact point between your company and your potential customers. There are many ways to market a website, but one of the most important is through search engine optimization (SEO). This is how you can rank on Google and get in front of your audience. However, you may also want to consider having a more mobile-friendly site, as well as working with creative app developers, to ensure that you’re offering the best experience for mobile users.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool to promote a brand, product or service. It has become a necessary part of the marketing strategy for many companies. A good social media strategy can help you grow your following on multiple platforms and eventually increase your ROI. There are many different social media channels that you can use to promote your brand, but not all of them are created equal. Some of the most popular social channels include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. There are many different ways to get noticed on social media. You can use paid advertising or create posts that go viral by using hashtags and trending topics.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a way to promote your business and generate new leads. It is important to understand that it is not just about pushing out content but also about creating content that people want to read. There are many different approaches to content marketing, so it’s really up to you what strategy you want to take. Some marketers use blogging as one of their main strategies, while others create videos or podcasts.

If you are just starting out with your own blog, here are some tips that will help you get started:
- Know the audience you want to target
- Create quality content
- Promote your content through social media or email marketing

How to Get Your Business Seen by Your Customers

Friday, May 6, 2022

9 Tips for Creating a Habit of Prayer

9 Tips for Creating a Habit of Prayer
Image Credit:  Ben White - Public Domain Image via Freely Photos

Some view the topic of prayer as a complex subject, questioning what to pray, how long to pray, how often to pray . . . should prayer be kept private or spoken in public . . . this list goes on and one. Others view the topic of prayer as a simple subject . . . just talk to the Lord. One thing I thing we can all agree on is that we all need to pray more often. Valerie Woerner thinks so as well. She has written an article for Dayspring Cards & Gifts titled 9 Tips for Creating a Habit of Prayer. I hope her 9 tips help you grow your prayer life.

9 Tips for Creating a Habit of Prayer

I think we all wish we prayed more. We know it’s a good thing. We know more time in God’s presence has only positive effects. But we still struggle with it so much, don’t we? Here are nine tips to help make prayer a habit.


I’ll get to the more practical tips in a second, but first and foremost, if we think we can do our daily lives just fine without Him, we will only call out to Him for the really tough stuff. When we start to see how desperately dependent we are on Him for every little aspect of life, we start talking. You will find yourself praying for strength to get through a meeting or just through the morning before nap time.

The Lord Gives Wisdom Printable
This owl themed Scripture printable is available here.


If you grew up a good girl like me, legalism is an easy trap to fall into. And because we know that, we try to steer clear of getting too legalistic about anything, but creating a habit of prayer is a good thing. It’s important, obviously, that we don’t just go through the motions to check it off a list, but if you are praying sincerely, don’t be afraid of the routine of prayer.


This pairs with #2, but I wanted to expand a bit. I don’t think it matters if you are a night person or a morning person, what we set our minds on when we wake up directs the path of our whole day. On the days I don’t get my time with Jesus to reset my heart, I am less patient with my kids, less grateful for my circumstances, and more concerned with what the world thinks. If we start our day with Jesus, we are more likely to continue our day with Him. How do we convince ourselves that we could fit Him in later if we can’t get quiet with God before our kids get up, our phone starts dinging, our clients start emailing, or our boss starts calling?

Encourage One Another Printable
This puppy themed Scripture printable is available here.


Think about the things you do that don’t require your brain and just require your hands or feet, like folding laundry, cooking dinner, and mowing the grass. Be on the lookout for all the tasks you do each day that aren’t so mental. You might be surprised to see how many opportunities you have to start a conversation with God.


Whether it’s a spouse or a friend, set something up now with someone else every day or even weekly. We shouldn’t rely solely on this time for our prayer life, but it will help us create some consistency and accountability.


I have started doing this. If someone emails me and mentions a need, I’ll just pray for them in the email. I’m not going to just think about prayer anymore without actually praying. It’s too deceiving and convinces me I’ve prayed when really I have just talked about praying.

Give Thanks Scripture Printable
This baby seal themed Scripture printable is available here.


I know, I know. Everyone says this. But it’s because it’s one of those things we overlook because we’ve heard so much. If we don’t commit to it, it’s simply not going to happen, though. The urgent will take over if we aren’t really committed to making this happen. So make a plan for one month. Set your alarm on your phone for 5, 10, or 15 minutes, pray, and don’t let anything interrupt until the alarm goes off. I am a strong believer that remembering what God has done is helpful motivation to keep praying.


If you have a prayer journal, like ours at Val Marie Paper, this may already be a habit. When we see God really working as we pray, it’s easy to keep praying. This will help you dig deeper into your relationship with God, even in our busy world.


In my 7 years of being the prayer journal girl, I’ve had countless prayer sessions that drew me back to God and had me thinking, “Why haven’t I been praying like this every day?” And y’all, this isn’t even because of the answered prayers. However, I’ve learned those fuel my faith and peace, too! It’s easy to get sidetracked by busy schedules, but when I finally slow down to pray, I am kicking myself for not coming back sooner because it’s just sooo good.

Valerie Woerner is an author and the owner of Val Marie Paper. She lives in South Louisiana with her husband, Tyler, and two girls, Vivi and Vana. Since 2013, Val’s mission has been to help women live intentional lives that are an outflow of a fruitful and focused prayer life. She does that by creating practical and organized tools, like their monthly prompted prayer journal, that cut through the noise of everyday life.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our most popular articles and devotionals in our Devotional Library.

Prayer should be as comfortable and as natural to us as breathing. I tend to agree with those who believe prayer isn't complex or complicated at all. Just talk to Jesus. I hope Valerie's 9 tips for creating a habit of prayer help you develop a more comfortable, more natural prayer life.


9 Tips for Creating a Habit of Prayer
9 Tips for Creating a Habit of Prayer

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

How to Film a Sporting Match

How to Film a Sporting Match
How to Film a Sporting Match

Filming a sporting match can be an extremely rewarding experience. Not only do you get to capture all the action and excitement of the game, but you also get to share it with others who may not have been able to attend in person. If you're new to filming sports matches, don't worry - we've got you covered. This blog post will discuss some tips for filming sporting events that will help you produce high-quality footage.

How to Film a Sporting Match

Via Pexels

How to Film a Sporting Match

1) Choose your camera wisely. 

When filming a sporting event, you want to make sure that you have a camera that is capable of capturing high-quality video. If you're not sure which type of camera to use, we recommend renting or borrowing one before purchasing. Some things to keep in mind when choosing a camera include:

- The size and weight of the camera. You will be holding the camera for long periods of time, so it should be comfortable to hold.

- The zoom capabilities of the camera. You will likely be filming from a distance, so a good zoom lens is essential.

- The battery life of the camera. Nothing is worse than having your battery die in the middle of filming!

2) Find the perfect spot. 

Once you have your camera, it's time to find the perfect spot from which to film. This will depend on the sport you are filming and the event's location. If you're filming a football match, you will want to find a spot where you can see both ends of the field. If you're filming a basketball game, on the other hand, you will want to be closer to the action so that you can capture all the exciting dunks and three-pointers.

Another thing to keep in mind when finding your filming spot is obstructions. You don't want anything blocking your view of the action, so make sure there are no trees or buildings in your way.

3) Use a tripod. 

A tripod is an essential piece of equipment for anyone filming a sporting event. Not only does it help to keep your camera steady, but it also frees up your hands so that you can zoom in and out as needed. If you don't have a tripod, we recommend using a bag or some other object to prop up your camera.

4) Be prepared to film for long periods. 

Filming a sporting event can be a long and tedious process, so it's essential to be prepared. Make sure you have plenty of snacks and drinks to keep yourself fueled, and take breaks when you need them. It's also a good idea to bring along a friend or family member who can help you with filming if you get tired.

5) Look for inspiration. 

If you're struggling to come up with ideas for how to film a sporting event, take a look at other sports videos for inspiration. You can find some great examples on https://sportnews.in/news or other video-sharing websites.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to filming a sporting event like a pro! Just remember to have fun and enjoy the experience.

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How to Film a Sporting Match
How to Film a Sporting Match

3 Reasons Your Mess Makes You a Great Mama

3 Reasons Your Mess Makes You a Great Mama
Image Credit:  2081671 - Public Domain Image via Pixabay

Your baby is here. You've waited a long time for this moment. You've prepared for it. You've read the books, taken in advice from other moms, bought all the things. Now your baby is here and you are prepared for it. You have expectations and you're going to meet every one. You've made the list, studied it, and perfected it. You are going to be a great mom.

Then, it happens. You make a mistake . . . then another . . . then another. Now you're second guessing your ability to be a good mom. You find yourself praying that silent prayer.

Lord, please don't let me mess up my kid.

Before long you think you've made a mess of things, a huge mess of things. You've made such a mess of things that you've given up on being a great mom. In fact, you think you're a terrible one.

Encourage One Another Puppy Printable
This puppy themed Encourage One Another Scripture printable is available here.

Not true, sweet mama. Yeah, we all mess up. Some of us have messed up big, but God knew we would. He knows our weaknesses and imperfections, but He chose us to parent our children because He knew we were perfect for them.

Your mess makes you a great mom. Kristin Strong from Dayspring Cards & Gifts wrote a whole article about it and she says your mess makes you a great mama and here are 3 reasons why that statement is true.

3 Reasons Your Mess Makes You a Great Mama

by Kristin Strong at Dayspring Cards & Gifts
When motherhood and I were just getting acquainted, I thought I could approach her like taking a test. If I prepared well and made few mistakes, I could ace this thing and therefore send my children into the wild blue yonder with nary a carry-on size bit of baggage. I assumed good parenting would fit nicely within my hard work ethic and efforts, and the results would be few mothering mistakes.

Yeah, right.

Let’s all just take a moment to roll our eyes and say, “Bless your heart” to my younger, clueless self.

Give Thanks Scripture Printable
This baby seal themed "Give Thanks to the Lord" Scripture printable is available here.

It didn’t take long to discover this parenting gig brought more trick questions and multiple choice answers than I ever dreamt. I didn’t know all the answers then or now, not by a long shot. Some days, I was certain I didn’t know any. I made (make!) mistake after mistake after mistake, and I was sure I got everything wrong. I became afraid of my weaknesses, certain the more I messed up parenting, the more I messed up my kids.

Discouragement sat beside me and continually asked me one question: Why can’t you get your act together?

And the answer came like a song on a breeze,

Because it is through your mess I most teach you about Me. You are a great mama — not in spite of your mess, but because of it.

The longer I work through this parenting gig (nineteen years and counting!), the more I see it’s true. Because while we all have our hot mess moments and feel like we don’t often have our act together, we have a God who brings good out of everything all the time.

So, here are three reasons your mess makes you a great mama:

1. Your mess sends the message we’re to rest in promises, not perfection.

I know in my heart perfection is an unrealistic and downright bad ideal, but how often do I act like perfection is attainable and acceptable?

Perfection should never be the goal of parenting because a perfect mom is not an excellent mom. A perfect mom – if she could exist – is an unapproachable mom. How could our kids be close to us if we demanded perfection from ourselves or them? Our kids aren’t perfect, and they know they aren’t. They know we’re not. It comforts them to know mama doesn’t expect perfection, either in themselves or herself.
So instead of resting in perfection, we rest in promises such as these:

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart, he gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11 (NIV)

It doesn’t say He spends energy on raising perfect little lambs but gathering, carrying, and loving them.

2. Your mess sends the message that you are just the right mama to raise your babies.

If you spend quality time with your kids, love God, and talk to them about Jesus’ love for them, you’re a good mama regardless of what you feel like. Regardless of what you see that mom doing over there that you aren’t doing over here and think you should be doing to be a good mom. Remember, it’s not good mom/bad mom. It’s good mom/different kind of good mom.

Often I tell my children that if God lined up all the kids in the world and told me to pick only three, I would pick them — the three I have. What if we turn that inside out and imagine God lining up all the mothers in the world and picking just one to mother your particular children? He picked you and only you. Since God placed your children — with their distinct personalities, character traits and interests — into your life, you are the best mama for your babies, period.

We all have different kinds of messes, but we can all still be good mamas in the messes because God fills all our different gaps.

3. Your mess sends the message that mistakes are allowed and grace is welcome.

Our messy parts hold the opportunity to teach our children one of the most important lessons they can ever learn: grace.

Every parent blows it from time to time, but it’s what we do afterwards that stays with our kids. When we mess up parenting, we look our kiddos in the eyes and tell them we’re sorry. We ask for their forgiveness and remind them that mama needs grace as much as they do.

Proverbs 3:34 says, “The Lord gives grace to the humble.” When we apologize to our kids, we show humility and invite grace into our homes, and heaven knows everyone wants to reside in a house where grace lives.

Imperfection is the prerequisite for grace. Light only gets in through the cracks. Philip Yancey

It is inside the imperfections, the weaknesses, and the cracks that light escapes. It is where Jesus is what we cannot be, so we can be the great mamas God designed us to be.Enjoy and be encouraged by other Mother's Day articles at Dayspring here.


3 Reasons Your Mess Makes You a Great Mama

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