Thursday, December 15, 2022

Christmas Movie Night with the Great American Family Network

Christmas Movie Night with the Great American Family Network
Christmas Movie Night with the Great American Family Network

Part of abundant family living includes family friendly television and movies.  My family is tired of watching shows that are supposed to be family friendly only to get 15 minutes into show and find that it is not what we consider family friendly.  You might have heard that several Hallmark Movie actors and actresses have switched over to the Great American Family Network.  It's true.  We still watch some Hallmark shows but we are definitely focusing our support for the Great American Family Network.  

If you are a Hallmark junkie like I was for most of my life (and that's a lot of years), then you are familiar with Candace Cameron Bure.  Candace is one of the actresses who switched over to the Great American Family Network.  She not only acts in one of the movies but she accepted an executive position with the network to oversee and curate programming for the network.  She has been quoted as saying that she wants to create movies with more meaning.  She did just that with her new Christmas movie on the GAF network called The Christmas Present.  

Have a Christmas Movie Night with the Great American Family Network

I've been watching the Great American Family Christmas movies for the past several weeks.  The movies contain the same types of romance stories you will find on the Hallmark channel and starring some of the same actors and actresses, but without controversial content.  Candace's new movie, however, has a different theme that I found refreshing.  The Christmas Present is about dealing with grief after loss of life, family relationships, and keeping the Christmas season less overwhelming.  It's about quality time with the people you love and realizing what really is important and what isn't.  This movie moves away from a young love romance and into the space of more established families and the challenges they face.  

The Christmas Present stars Candace Cameron Bure and Marc Blucas.  It really is a great movie and I hope you get a chance to watch it this season.  

So . . . grab your favorite Christmas Pajamas, your favorite Christmas mug filled with hot chocolate, and settle in for a Christmas movie night with the Great American Family Network.  

You might be interested in this Candace Cameron Bure Movie Collection.

Candace Cameron Bure Movie Collection
Candace Cameron Bure Movie Collection


Christmas Movie Night with the Great American Family Network
Christmas Movie Night with the Great American Family Network

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