Friday, January 6, 2023

Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice: If I had a snowman, I would . . .

When kids tell their own stories, they exercise their creative thinking skills.  It's even better when they draw their stories. Then, they get to exercise another type of creativity.  Telling stories helps kids develop language skills and writing those stories helps them learn to organize their thoughts and practice sequencing events in their minds and on paper.  Even younger children can practice these skills with this snowman writing practice activity.

Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice:  If I had a snowman
Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice

Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice

This two page snowman drawing and writing practice activity gives children the opportunity to practice creative thinking skills, drawing, and writing skills.  

First, children are instructed to draw a picture of what they would do if they had a snowman.  Then, they are in told to trace the dotted letters and finish the sentence on the second page.  This is a simple activity but one that gives children the opportunity to develop those critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, language skills, hand-eye coordination, writing skills, and small motor skills.

Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice:  Get your copy here!
Get your copy of the Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice Sheets here.

More Writing Practice

Writing Practice:  Trace Letters Workbook
This item is available here.

Writing Practice:   Silly Sentences Writing Workbook
This item is available here.

Writing Practice, Pencil Control
This item is available here.

Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice:  If I had a snowman, I would
Snowman Drawing and Writing Practice

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