Monday, November 20, 2023

Pray for StoryOne Camps in Africa

Pray for StoryOne Camps in Africa
Pray for StoryOne Camps in Africa

Yesterday, I shared with you an opportunity to join me in prayer for International Mission Board missionaries.  I signed up here to receive an email every day for seven days.  In each email, I'll receive information about a specific missionary so I can pray specific prayers for them.  I'll be sharing each request here on the blog so you can join me in prayer each day for these missionaries who have answered the call to GO.  Today, we are praying for Paul Yount and Willie Brown.  Paul and Willie are asking us to pray for StoryOne camps in Africa.


Pray for StoryOne Camps in Africa

Through StoryOne camps, Paul and Willie minister to the deaf in Africa.  Access to Scripture is limited in Africa.  It is also common that the deaf in Africa do not read or write.  This presents even greater challenges for them.  The deaf in Africa communicate with sign languages specific to their respective countries, their heart language.  They don't understand the written Word and the truths it communicates.

The goal of the StoryOne camp is to translate eight Bible stories into the indigenous sign languages of Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia.  

Quoting directly from the email I received from Emily Hall:
"They learned how to tell these stories in an accurate yet compelling way in sign language, as well as how to illustrate some of these stories and larger Bible concepts graphically with pen and paper. The eight Bible stories this camp focused on are designed to teach Deaf nationals doctrinal statements on the identity of Jesus, functions of the church, and how to conduct missions work. These stories are also accompanied by mnemonic hand movements that assist Deaf nationals in recalling them for evangelizing and discipling."

Speaking of one man's new love for Jesus, Paul Yount said, “He needed to see stories from the Bible translated into his heart language to understand, appreciate, love, and be transformed by God.”

Here are three specific prayer requests for today:

1.  Pray for Paul, Willie, and other IMB missionaries who are dedicated to reaching the Deaf of Africa.

2.  Pray for the continued success of StoryOne camps in relaying the truths of Scripture to the Deaf.

3.  Pray that IMB and our partners would continue to find unique and effective ways to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in the heart language of those we serve.

Save the following image to your electronic device.  Print it out and place it somewhere in your home where you will be reminded daily to pray these specific prayers over Paul, Willie, and StoryOne in Africa.

Pray for StoryOne Camps in Africa
International Mission Board Prayer Requests - Day 1

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Pray for StoryOne in Africa
Pray for StoryOne Camps in Africa

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