Thursday, March 13, 2025

What Do Farmers Do in the Spring? (Activity Ideas for Kids)


What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)
What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)

What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?

Spring is an exciting time on the farm! As the weather warms up, farmers get busy preparing for the growing season. But what exactly do farmers do in the spring? Let’s explore some of the important jobs that happen on a farm during this time of year.

1. Preparing the Fields

One of the first things farmers do in the spring is get the fields ready for planting. After a long winter, the soil needs to be prepared for new crops. Farmers use tractors and special tools to break up the soil, remove weeds, and add nutrients. This helps seeds grow strong and healthy.

Teachers and parents: You can show children how farmers prepare soil by letting them dig in a garden or sandbox. Talk about how plants need good soil to grow!

Around the Farm 30-Button Animal Sound Book - Great for First Words
Around the Farm 30-Button Animal Sound Book - Great for First Words is available here.

2. Planting Seeds

Once the fields are ready, it’s time to plant seeds! Farmers grow many kinds of crops, like corn, wheat, and vegetables. Some farmers plant seeds using machines, while others plant by hand.

At home or in the classroom, kids can plant their own seeds in small pots or gardens. Watching a seed sprout and grow is a fun way to learn about farming!

Miracle GRO My First Root Viewer
The Miracle GRO My First Root Viewer is available here.

3. Taking Care of Baby Animals

Spring is also a time for new life on the farm! Many animals, like cows, sheep, and chickens, have babies in the spring. Farmers work hard to take care of these baby animals by making sure they have food, water, and a safe place to live.

Kids love learning about baby animals! You can read books about farm animals or visit a local farm to see them up close.

4. Fixing Fences and Farm Equipment

During the winter, fences and farm tools can get damaged. In the spring, farmers check their equipment and make repairs so everything works properly. They fix fences to keep animals safe and make sure tractors and other machines are ready for work.

A fun activity for children is to pretend to be farmers fixing things! They can use toy tools to “repair” fences made of blocks or craft sticks.

5. Watching the Weather

Farmers pay close attention to the weather in the spring. Too much rain can flood the fields, and not enough rain can make it hard for crops to grow. Farmers also look out for late frosts, which can harm young plants.

You can talk to kids about the weather by keeping a weather chart. Track sunny, rainy, and windy days to see how the weather changes in spring!

Why Is Spring Important for Farmers?

Spring is one of the busiest times of the year on a farm! Farmers work hard to grow the food we eat and take care of animals. By learning about farming, kids can understand where their food comes from and appreciate the hard work of farmers.

Want to bring farming fun to your home or classroom? Try planting a garden, visiting a farm, or reading books about farm life. Spring is the perfect time to explore the world of farming!

Here's a list of other activities you can do with your kids to teach them about what farmers do in the spring.

Farm Animals Matching Game Plus 25 More Activities for Building a Farm Animals Unit (Abundant Family Living)

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What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)
What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)

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Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money
Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

The rising costs of groceries and other things we need for daily living can make balancing our budgets challenging.  It's easy to get in the mindset of viewing money as a means to an end, but as believers, we are called to a higher standard.  Kingdom finances involve honoring God with our money, seeing it as a tool for His purposes rather than just a way to keep the bills paid.  When we change our mindset to see money as not our own, but God's money that He has given to us to steward, it can deepen our relationship with God.  Then we see our money as Kingdom Finances and we can live a lifestyle of honoring God with our money.

Understanding Kingdom Finances

Kingdom finances are rooted in Biblical principles that guide us in handling our money wisely and generously. The Bible emphasizes that everything we have ultimately belongs to God.  Acknowledging God as the owner of all gives us a different perspective on our wealth and resources.

The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who live in it. - Psalm 24:1

The Principle of Stewardship

At the heart of honoring God with our finances is the concept of stewardship. Stewardship means that we are not the ultimate owners of our resources; instead, we are caretakers. This mindset encourages us to manage our finances in ways that align with God’s will. Matthew 25:14-30 tells the parable of the talents, illustrating the importance of using our resources wisely and productively. When we view our finances through the lens of stewardship, we prioritize God's kingdom above our material desires.

For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey. The one who had received the five talents immediately went and did business with them, and earned five more talents. In the same way the one who had received the two talents earned two more. But he who received the one talent went away and dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master’s money.

“Now after a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. The one who had received the five talents came up and brought five more talents, saying, ‘Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have earned five more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter the joy of your master.’

“Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, ‘Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have earned two more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter the joy of your master.’

“Now the one who had received the one talent also came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed. And I was afraid, so I went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you still have what is yours.’

“But his master answered and said to him, ‘You worthless, lazy slave! Did you know that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter seed? Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest. Therefore: take the talent away from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.’

“For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. And throw the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Generosity as a Reflection of Faith

Honoring God with our money is not just about how we spend; it's also about how we give. Generosity is a reflection of our faith and trust in God’s provision. 2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver. Giving to the church and supporting those in need are tangible ways to demonstrate our commitment to honoring God with our resources. By practicing generosity, we align our hearts with God's priorities and help advance His Kingdom on earth.

Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Budgeting: Honoring God with Our Planning

Another practical aspect of Kingdom finances is budgeting. Creating a budget that reflects our values and priorities allows us to allocate our funds wisely. The Biblical principles of saving, investing, and spending thoughtfully can help ensure we honor God in our financial decisions. When we create a budget, we can set aside a portion for giving, a portion for savings, and ensure our spending aligns with our faith-based values.

Trusting God in Financial Decisions

It’s important to acknowledge that honoring God with our finances requires faith. In moments of financial uncertainty, we may be tempted to rely solely on our own understanding or resources. However, Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” By placing our trust in God, we can navigate our financial decisions confidently, knowing He is our ultimate provider.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Living with an Eternal Perspective

Finally, honoring God with our money requires an eternal perspective. Colossians 3:2 urges us to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. This perspective encourages us to invest in what truly matters: relationships, community, and the spreading of the Gospel. As we prioritize Kingdom investments over material gain, we cultivate a life that reflects God’s love and purpose.

Kingdom finances encompass more than managing money—they represent a lifestyle of worship and obedience. By embracing stewardship, practicing generosity, budgeting wisely, trusting God, and maintaining an eternal perspective, we truly honor God with our finances. Every financial choice we make holds the potential to glorify God and further His Kingdom.

Kingdom Finances Challenge: A 28-Day Devotional Journal

Kingdom Finances Challenge: A 28-Day Devotional Journal

Kingdom Finances Challenge: A 28-Day Devotional Journal

Welcome to the 28-Day Kingdom Finances Challenge!

In a world that often measures success by wealth and possessions, it’s easy to develop mindsets about money that are shaped more by culture than by Christ. But as faith-led entrepreneurs and believers, we are called to view finances through the lens of God’s Word—understanding that money is not the goal, but a tool for Kingdom impact.

This 28-day challenge is designed to help you align your finances with God’s principles, renew your mind about money, and take practical steps to steward your resources wisely.

Whether you’ve struggled with financial stress, uncertainty about how to manage what God has entrusted to you, or simply desire to deepen your understanding of Biblical wealth, this journey will help you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, from fear to faith, and from self-reliance to full dependence on God as your Provider.

Each day, you will receive:

✅ A Scripture focus to meditate on and apply

✅ A short reflection to challenge and renew your perspective

✅ A practical task to take action and implement Biblical financial stewardship

By the end of this challenge, you’ll not only have a clearer understanding of God's design for money, but you’ll also have taken meaningful steps toward financial alignment with His will—allowing you to experience greater peace, provision, and purpose in your business and personal life.

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Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money
Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Grief: Finding Comfort in Biblical Faith and Community

Grief:  Finding Comfort in Biblical Faith and Community
Grief:  Finding Comfort in Biblical Faith and Community

God's Comfort When You're Dealing With Grief

Grief is something we all experience from time to time.  Even so, grief can make us feel overwhelmed and isolated.  Whether it comes from the loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, a broken relationship, or an major life change, the emotional turmoil can make us feel lost and alone.  During seasons of grief, we can find comfort in Biblical faith and community.  

Understanding Grief through a Spiritual Lens

Grief doesn't come and go in a day.  It takes time.  Grief is more like a journey that takes us down paths of various emotions - sadness, anger, confusion, and eventually relief.  The Bible speaks of grief and loss.  It's part of our human experience, but in John 16:20, Jesus assures us that we will grieve, but our grief will be turned to joy.  Grief is not the end or our journey.  It's a step towards healing and hope.

Truly, truly I say to you that you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy! - John 16:20

Finding Comfort in Scripture

Grief will come at times and when it does, turning to Scripture provides comfort and reassurance.  Psalm 34:18 tells us that "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."  This verse reminds us that we are never alone in our suffering.  God is present in our pain.  Meditating on verses like these bring peace to our troubled hearts and remind us that it's okay to grieve while also seeking healing in the Lord.

Prayer as a Source of Strength

The best way to find strength in our grief is through prayer.  How amazing is it that we can go straight to the Creator of the universe with our suffering.  He is always ready for an open conversation with His children.  We can express our deepest feelings, fears, and anxieties directly to Him.  When we pray, we can speak to God straight from our hearts.  Sharing our burdens with God lightens our emotional load.  Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to present our requests to God, assuring us that His peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

The Role of Community

Sometimes, our comfort in the midst of grief comes from people God has placed in our lives.  God works through those around us.  I can't say this enough on this blog.  We were not made to navigate this world alone.  We were made for community.  Becoming part of a Christ centered church family provides for us a nurturing environment for faith filled support and healing.  Church families provide us with prayers, encouragement, and practical support during our seasons of grief.

Embracing the Grieving Process

Part of the healing process is allowing ourselves to feel and express what we're going through.  Grief can be consuming, but acknowledging our feelings is a vital part of healing.  God understands our pain and He invites us to bring it directly to Him.

Hope in the Midst of Grief

When grief feels like a dark tunnel with no end, there is a light at the end, and that light is the Lord.  We can allow ourselves to grieve, but also allow ourselves to heal through prayer, Scripture, and the support of our church community.  Remember that you are not alone.  God walks with you every step of the way.

Grief:  A 7 Day Mini Devotional Journal

Grief:  A 7 Day Mini Devotional Journal
Grief: A 7 Day Mini Devotional Journal

"Grief is a journey that touches everyone at some point in life. It is a deeply personal and often overwhelming experience, but it is not a journey you must walk alone. God’s Word provides comfort, strength, and hope for those navigating the valleys of sorrow and loss.

This 7-day devotional journal is designed to help you draw closer to God in your grief, find His peace, and experience His healing presence.

Each day, you will find a carefully chosen scripture, a reflection to guide your thoughts, and a journaling prompt to help you process your emotions and connect with God. As you engage with this devotional, take your time to sit in God’s presence and allow Him to minister to your heart. Whether your grief is fresh or long-standing, know that God sees you, loves you, and walks with you every step of the way.

May this devotional be a source of comfort, encouragement, and renewal as you lean on God’s promises and discover His faithfulness in your time of need." (7 Day Mini Devotional Journal on Grief)

I think Grief:  A 7 Day Mini Devotional will help you begin to manage grief while bringing you into a deeper relationship with the Lord through Scripture and journaling.  You can download it now and get started right away.

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Grief:  Finding Comfort in Biblical Faith and Community
Grief:  Finding Comfort in Biblical Faith and Community

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Biblical Principles for Godly Dating

Biblical Principles for Godly Dating
Biblical Principles for Godly Dating

Biblical Principles for Godly Dating

Dating in today's culture can be frustrating.  The worldly culture encourages casual relationships without deeper purpose or commitment.  However, adhering to Biblical principles concerning dating and relationships can help you navigate the dating scene with purpose and integrity.  Here are several Scriptural guidelines to help you discover Biblical principles for Godly dating.

Seek God First

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. - Matthew 6:33

Matthew 6:33 reminds us to seek God and His righteousness before anything else.  Before you enter into a dating relationship, examine your relationship with God.  Be sure your relationship with Him is solid.  Pray for God to guide you as you look for a dating partner who shares your faith and values.  Seeking God and His righteousness before anything else or anyone else in your life gives you a strong foundation for your dating life and helps you discern whether a potential partner's faith and moral code aligns with yours.

Establish Clear Boundaries

Flee sexual immorality. Every other sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

It is important to set boundaries in your dating relationship.  1 Corinthians 6:18-20 makes this Biblical principle for Godly dating clear.  Paul tells us to flee sexual immorality.  Establishing physical, emotional, and Spiritual boundaries protects both you and your dating partner, allowing the relationship to grow in a healthy, respectful way.  Talk to your dating partner about your moral boundaries early to make sure both of you live by the same principles and feel valued.

Evaluate Character, Not Appearance

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. - Proverbs 31:30
While physical attraction is a huge part of dating, Proverbs 31:30 reminds us that the outward appearance is only part of a person's attraction.  A person's physical beauty might be what attracts you to him or her, but also focus on evaluating his or her character traits.  You want to know as early as possible whether or not your dating partner's character traits align with Biblical values.  Look for character qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23.  A Godly relationship should be rooted in Godly character, which is far more precious than physical attraction alone.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. - Galatians 5:22-23

Surround Yourself with Community

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. - Proverbs 27:17
Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that we are made for community.  We were not created to endure the trials of this earthly life alone.  This is just as true for seeking a dating partner as all other walks of life.  Getting involved in a community of fellow believers provides a culture of accountability in your dating journey.  Seek the counsel of friends you trust or mentors in your life who can offer you wise advice and encouragement.  Participating in group dates or social church events helps foster relationships in a Christ-centered environment.

Communicate Openly

But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, that is, Christ. - Ephesians 4:15

It is important for dating partners to have good communication skills.  Ephesians 4:15 tells us we are to speak the truth in love.  Honesty is vital to a successful relationship.  Without honesty between dating partners, a Godly relationship cannot survive.  Be honest with each other about your feelings, expectations, and future plans.  Remember to discuss faith-related topics early in the relationship to be sure your beliefs align with Scripture.

Embrace Perseverance

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor, not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality. - Romans 12:10-13

Dating relationships do not always go as planned.  When disappointments happen, Romans 12:10-13 reminds us that God has a perfect plan for your life, even when things don't work out the way you hoped they would.  Lean into prayer and stand strong in your faith as you navigate the ups and downs of dating.  Whether you are in a solid relationship or still praying for God to send the right person your way, you can remain faithful to God in all your other relationships by being devoted to one another in brotherly love, giving preference to one another in honor, remaining diligent in your faith and devotion to others, remaining fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, persevering in your hardest days, devoting yourself to prayer, contributing to the needs of others, and being kind to those around you. 

Godly dating is a journey that honors God, fosters healthy relationships, and builds a strong foundation for your future family. By keeping these Biblical principles in mind, you can pursue a dating life that is not only fulfilling but also aligns with your spiritual values. Remember, the goal of dating should not solely be finding a partner, but cultivating a relationship that glorifies God and mirrors His love for His bride, the church.

If you would like to go deeper into honoring God in your dating relationships, I have a 7 day dating devotional journey for you.  Godly Dating in an UnGodly World is a 7 day devotional journal for teens, but it's good for adults too as the dating principles are the same for both teens and adults.  In this journal, you will ponder and mediate on the truths that not only shape our understanding of love and relationships but also empower us to walk in faith, purity, and the light of God's unfailing love.  Each day begins with a scripture relating to relationships.  Each Scripture verse is followed by a short explanation of the Biblical truth.  Then, you are given three practical steps to apply the Bible verse to your dating life.  Finally, you are given a journaling prompt so that you can record your thoughts, feelings, applications, etc.  

Godly Dating in an UnGodly World is a great tool for getting your dating life started off on the right foot.

Biblical Principles for Godly Dating 7 Day Devotional Journal for Teens and Adults
The Biblical Principles for Godly Dating 7 Day Devotional Journal for Teens (and Adults) is available here.

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Biblical Principles for Godly Dating
Biblical Principles for Godly Dating

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Finding Joy in All Circumstances: A Biblical Perspective
Finding Joy in All Circumstances: A Biblical Perspective

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Monday, March 10, 2025

Shamrock and Clover Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day

Shamrock and Clover Crafts for Kids:  Fun and Creative Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day
Shamrock and Clover Crafts for Kids:  Fun and Creative Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day

Shamrock and Clover Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to get creative with your little ones! Shamrock and clover crafts are a fun way to celebrate the holiday while encouraging kids to use their imagination. Whether you're looking for easy crafts for toddlers or more intricate projects for older children, there are endless possibilities to explore. Here are some fantastic shamrock and clover crafts for kids that will keep them engaged and help them get into the festive spirit.

Shamrock Handprint Craft

This adorable craft is not only a great way to make a keepsake but also a wonderful way for younger children to engage in a craft project. All you need is some green paint, paper, and a bit of creativity.

How to Make It:

  • First, dip your child’s hand in green paint and have them press their hand onto a piece of white paper.
  • Once the handprint dries, use markers or colored pencils to add a stem to create the shape of a shamrock.
  • You can also add a bit of glitter or stickers for extra flair!

This craft is simple but will leave a lasting memory, especially when displayed in the home.

Here are several suggestions to get you started.

Shamrock Handprint Art Crafts with Printable Poem by Rhythms of Play

Improve Finger Isolation with this Clover Thumbprint Craft by The OT Tool Box

Q Tip Painted Shamrock Craft For Kids by Craft Corner DIY

Paper Plate Shamrocks

This is an easy and inexpensive craft that’s perfect for kids of all ages. Paper plates are versatile and can be turned into a beautiful shamrock decoration with just a few materials.

How to Make It:

  • Start by cutting a paper plate into three heart shapes to form the leaves of the shamrock.
  • Attach them together at the edges, leaving a small space in the middle for the stem.
  • Use green paint or green construction paper to color the shamrock, then cut out a stem from brown paper or use markers.
  • For a final touch, your child can decorate the shamrock with stickers or glitter.

This craft is a great way to teach kids about shapes while creating a St. Patrick’s Day masterpiece.

Your Inspiration:

Shamrock Twirler St. Patrick’s Day Craft by i heart crafty things

Paper Plate Pot of Gold by All Free Kids Crafts

St Patrick’s Day Shamrock Lacing Craft by Kids' Craft Room

Foam Clover Magnets

Foam crafts are another great option for shamrock and clover-themed activities. These foam clover magnets are not only easy to make, but they also result in a functional craft that kids can proudly display on the fridge.

How to Make It:

  • Purchase green foam sheets and cut them into the shape of clovers.
  • Use scissors to make the shapes as large or small as you prefer.
  • Add small magnets to the back using glue or adhesive strips.
  • Decorate the clovers with colorful buttons, beads, or glitter for a little extra flair.

This is a simple craft that will have your kids feeling proud to see their creations on the fridge!

300 PCS St Patricks Day Stickers, Foam Shamrock Decorations, Self-Adhesive Shamrock Stickers, Glitter Matte St Patricks Day Stickers for Kids
These foam shamrock stickers are available here.

St. Patrick’s Day Window Clings

For a craft that will brighten up the windows, try making shamrock or clover window clings. These can be easily made with a few materials and are a fantastic way to decorate the house for St. Patrick's Day.

How to Make It:

  • Use contact paper or clear plastic sheets as your base.
  • Draw the shapes of shamrocks or clovers with markers or colored pencils.
  • Cut them out and place them on windows. The best part? They can be moved around and reused!

This craft is perfect for older kids who enjoy a bit more precision and will love seeing their creations on display.

Shamrock Stamps

Shamrock stamps are a fun and easy way for kids to create shamrock patterns and decorate cards, paper, or gift wrap.

How to Make It:

  • Cut out a shamrock shape from a sponge or foam.
  • Attach it to a wooden block or a sturdy piece of cardboard.
  • Dip it in green paint and stamp it onto paper.
  • Your child can experiment with different designs, creating a beautiful and festive piece of artwork.

This craft is a great way to teach kids about repeating patterns and provides endless fun!

Shamrock and clover crafts for kids offer endless opportunities for creativity and learning. From handprint shamrocks to foam clover magnets, these fun activities are perfect for celebrating St. Patrick's Day while developing fine motor skills. Gather your materials, let your child’s imagination run wild, and enjoy the magic of crafting together this St. Patrick’s Day!

St. Patrick's Day Rubber Stamp Set
This St. Patrick's Day Rubber Stamp Set is available here.

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Shamrock and Clover Crafts for Kids:  Fun and Creative Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day
Shamrock and Clover Crafts for Kids:  Fun and Creative Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day

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How to Go to Sleep When Worry Keeps You Awake

How to Go to Sleep When Worry Keeps You Awake
How to Go to Sleep When Worry Keeps You Awake

How to Go to Sleep When Worry Keeps You Awake

When I got to bed each night, I struggle to go to sleep.  My body is tired, but my mind won't turn off.  I can't stop thinking about all the things that worry me.  I'm a fixer by nature so when I go to bed, I think about problems in my family members lives and the different ways I might fix them all.  The frustrating truth is that I can't fix all their problems, so I just lay there tossing and turning while I worry about all of them.  It turns out that this is not uncommon.  Chances are that you struggle with this too.  This constant restlessness can affect our well-being and disrupt our Spiritual peace.  However, turning to Scripture provides comfort and helps us rest.  Here are several suggestions that will help you go to sleep when worry keeps you awake.

Turn Worry into Prayer

The most powerful way to combat worry is through prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us: 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

When you feel anxiety creeping in, take a moment to pray. Lay your concerns at the feet of Jesus, thanking God for His presence and sovereignty over all situations. This will help shift your focus from your worries to His promise of peace.

Start with Prayer: 250 Prayers for Hope and Strength
Start with Prayer: 250 Prayers for Hope and Strength by Max Lucado is available here.

Meditate on Scripture

Meditation is a powerful tool for helping you go to sleep when worry keeps you awake. Psalm 119:165 tells us, 
Those who love Your Law have great peace, And nothing causes them to stumble. 

As you prepare for sleep, consider choosing a verse that resonates with you. Repeating it in your mind can redirect your thoughts away from worries and towards God’s unshakeable truth. Write the verse down and keep it close to your bedside as a reminder of God’s promises.  When my daughter had trouble sleeping after her grandmother passed away, I wrote the following verse on an index card and taped it to the wall by her pillow.  This verse helped her overcome her fear of death and reminded her that her grandmother was with Jesus.  Then, she was able to enjoy sweet sleep.

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24 
Praying God's Word Day by Day by Beth Moore
Praying God's Word Day by Day by Beth Moore

Establish a Calming Nighttime Routine

Creating a calming nighttime routine can help you prepare your mind for restful sleep. Start by dimming the lights an hour before bed and engaging in peaceful activities such as reading Scripture, praying, or journaling. Reflect on God’s love and His blessings over your life. As you cultivate an atmosphere of peace in your bedroom, allow it to serve as a quiet sanctuary where you can unwind before sleep.

Practice Gratitude

Simply said, gratitude is a remedy for worry. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reminds us to

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.

Before going to sleep, take a moment to list three things you are grateful for.  It could be the support of family, a beautiful day, or even a simple joy. Focusing on gratitude can shift your mindset and help your mind rest.

Gifts and Gratitudes: A Year of One Thousand Gifts (A Guided Journal)
Gifts and Gratitudes: A Year of One Thousand Gifts (A Guided Journal) by Ann Voskamp is available here.

Seek Fellowship and Support

Sometimes, we need the comfort of others to help us navigate our worries. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages fellowship: 

And let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Connecting with friends, family, or a church group can provide support and reminders of God’s faithfulness. Sharing your concerns can lighten your emotional load and reinforce your trust in God’s plan.

When worry keeps you awake, remember that you are not alone, and help is always available. By turning to prayer, meditating on Scripture, establishing a calming routine, practicing gratitude, and seeking support, you can turn sleepless nights into opportunities for Spiritual connection and peace. As you put your worries aside, rest assured that God is watching over you, ready to provide peace that surpasses all understanding. Sweet sleep will follow as you trust in Him.

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How to Go to Sleep When Worry Keeps You Awake
How to Go to Sleep When Worry Keeps You Awake

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ways to Teach Kids About the Signs of Spring

Ways to Teach Kids About the Signs of Spring
Ways to Teach Kids About the Signs of Spring

Ways to Teach Kids About the Signs of Spring

As the cold winter months fade away, a sunny spring emerges.  Teaching kids about the signs of spring can create an exciting learning experience that fosters appreciation for nature and encourages outdoor exploration. Below are some engaging ways to teach kids about the signs of spring and help them understand the beautiful changes that accompany the spring season.

Nature Walk

One of the most effective ways to introduce kids to the signs of spring is through nature walks. Organize regular outings to parks or gardens and encourage children to observe their surroundings. As they walk, ask them to look for budding flowers, emerging leaves, and the sounds of chirping birds. You can even turn it into a scavenger hunt by providing them with a checklist of spring elements to find, such as colors of flowers, types of birds, or signs of animal activity.

Planting Flowers and Vegetables

Hands-on gardening is an excellent method to teach kids about the growth cycle of plants during spring. Involve your children in planting flowers or vegetables in a garden or pots. Explain the basics of what plants need to grow—sunlight, water, and soil. As they nurture their plants, they will learn about germination, photosynthesis, and the role of seasonal changes in plant growth.

Observing Animal Behavior

Encourage kids to observe changes in animal behavior that signal the first signs of spring. Discuss how some animals hibernate during winter and emerge in spring, while others migrate back after being away. Set up a bird feeder in your yard and keep a journal of the different species that visit. This can be a fun and educational project that teaches kids about local wildlife and the impact of seasonal changes on animal behavior.

Spring Crafts

Engage children’s creativity with craft projects that focus on spring themes. Create flower crowns using paper or real flowers, make bird feeders from pine cones and peanut butter, or paint rocks to resemble flowers and insects. Incorporating arts and crafts helps reinforce what they learn about the signs of spring while allowing them to express their understanding visually.

Educational Books and Resources

Introduce children to educational books that highlight the signs of spring. Visit your local library and choose age-appropriate books filled with vibrant illustrations and interesting stories about the changes that occur during this season. Discuss the content together, and encourage them to express what they’ve learned. Additionally, there are many online resources, including videos and interactive websites, that can provide visual and auditory reinforcement about the beauty of spring.

Spring is Here: A Bear and Mole Story

Spring is Here: A Bear and Mole Story

Celebrate Spring Festivals

Look for local spring festivals or events where nature and culture come together. These events often feature activities like flower planting, nature walks, and arts and crafts. Participating in community celebrations allows kids to connect with others who share their interest in the season, making learning more fun and memorable.

Teaching kids about the signs of spring enhances their understanding of nature and instills a sense of wonder and curiosity. Whether through nature walks, gardening, observing wildlife, crafts, or reading, there are countless ways to teach kids about the signs of spring. Embrace the season together and make learning about signs of spring an exciting adventure. By nurturing this connection, you help foster a future generation that respects and cherishes the natural world around them.

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Ways to Teach Kids About the Signs of Spring
Ways to Teach Kids About the Signs of Spring

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