Monday, January 13, 2025

Winter Snow Activities for Kids

Winter Snow Activities for Kids:  Girl Smiling, Wearing Winter Clothing
Winter Snow Activities for Kids

Winter Snow Activities for Kids

We don't get a lot of snow here in the South, but his past weekend, we got a whole 2 inches at my house.  The snow didn't completely cover all of our grass, but we had enough to enjoy.  I love watching the snow fall and the winter wonderland it creates as it blankets the ground.  I don't particularly like to get out in it, but my daughter took my granddaughter (her niece) out for a few minutes to play.  The powdery snow didn't last long.  As is usual around here, the snow becomes icy pretty quick.  Many of you live in areas where you get lots and lots and lots of snow so you are able to get your kids out more often to enjoy your winter wonderland.  Engaging in winter snow activities encourages exercise, imaginative play, and provides opportunities for family bonding.  Let's explore a variety of winter snow activities that will keep your kids entertained and active, making the most of winter fun while it lasts.

Outdoor Winter Snow Activities

Winter Bowling Game:  You can make an outdoor bowling game by stacking up a row of plastic cups.  Stack each set of cups in a triangle tower.  Encourage your kids to pack snowballs to use as bowling balls.  See who can knock down the most cups.  If you don't want to make one yourself, here are several cute options.

Winter Scavenger Hunt:  On a sheet of paper, draw several pictures of outdoor items that can be found in your yard.  You might draw an acorn if you have Oak trees.  You might draw a pebble if you have pebbles near by.  Other ideas are bird nest, flower pot, porch sign . . . anything your kids can look for around your house when it snows.  Here is one you can purchase if you want to.

Winter Scavenger Hunt
This Winter Scavenger Hunt Game is available here.

Snowball Target Practice:  Set up a few targets on a fence or porch railing.  Let the kids throw snowballs to see if they can knock down the targets.  Choose a safe place for the kids and protect your windows.

Make ice ornaments:  Pour wanter into shallow bowls.  Tell your kids to place flowers, acorns, sticks, pebbles, evergreen leaves, or whatever they think is pretty.  Place a string, yarn, or cord into the water, but leave a loop hanging out of the water.  After the water freezes, break away the ice and tell your kids to hang their ornament masterpieces on outdoor tree limbs or nearby bushes.  

Take a nature walk:  Bundle up for this one.  You can carry hot cocoa with you in a thermos for a warm drink along the trail.

Snow paint:  Use colored water in spray bottles.  Let the kids use their imaginations and go wild with this one.  

Snowball in a Spoon Relay Race:  Give your kids a spoon and line them up.  Place a snowball in each spoon.  Have the kids race to a line in your yard without dropping the snowball.  

Create Snowmen or a whole snow family:  Get the whole family involved.  Each family member can make a snowman or snowwoman to represent himself or herself.  The result is a snow family that resembles your human family.

Indoor Winter Snow Activities

Indoor Snow:  If you have real snow, you can bring a big bowl of snow inside.  Let the kids use plastic people, houses, and animals to create snow villages.  If you don't have real snow, you can make fake snow using baking soda and shaving cream.  Learn more about that here at Make Life Lovely.

Snowflake Art:  Using glue, salt, and watercolor paints, kids can decorate beautiful snowflakes on paper.  I suggest using cardstock.  You pre-draw a snowflake on each sheet or print snowflake images using your home printer.  Let the kids use the glue, salt and paint to decorate the snowflakes.  Be sure to hang them up somewhere so that your kids can enjoy them for a while.

Indoor Balloon Snowman:  Blow up white balloons.  Help the kids glue the balloons together to make an indoor snowman.  They can draw on the faces and buttons.  You could pre-cut fabrics so that they can dress up their indoor snowmen.

Create a snowstorm in a jar:  This is a fun science experiment for kids.  Head over here to MomBrite to learn how to do this.

Play Pin the Nose on the Snowman:  This is fun spin off the old game, Pin the Tale on the Donkey.  You can draw it up yourself and cut out the carrot noses for the kids to pin or you can get a set already made up for you here.

Pin the Nose on the Snowman
This cute Pin the Nose on the Snowman is available here.

Snowman Coloring Book for Kids:  You can download my Snowman Coloring Book for Kids to your home computer, print it out, and let the kids start coloring right away.

Snowman Coloring Book for Kids
This Snowman Coloring Book for Kids is available here.

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Winter Snow Activities for Kids:  Group of Kids Smiling, Wearing Winter Clothing Out in the Snow
Winter Snow Activities for Kids

New on my Author Blog:

You Are Chosen

You Are Chosen
You Are Chosen

 You Are Chosen

It seems to me that everywhere I turn, people are hungry for acceptance and validation.  The problem is that most of them are seeking acceptance by worldly authorities, leaders, or people they look up to.  I can't say there is anything wrong with wanting your boss, pastor, small group leader, parents, teachers, or anyone else to be impressed with your contribution to them or to a group they represent.  However, seeking worldly validation will only go so far.  Worldly acceptance is temporary, but what if we all knew that our personal value is far greater to Someone than anyone here on this earth.  The truth I want everyone to know is that you are chosen.  Hear this again, reader.  YOU ARE CHOSEN.  You are chosen by God.  You are loved beyond anything you can imagine.  God's love for you is intentional; we know this because there are Scriptures to back up this beautiful truth.

The Bible tells us that we are chosen by God, not randomly, but with purpose.

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him.  In love, He predestined us to adoption as sons and daughters through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.  Ephesians 1:4-5

God wants a relationship with us.  God is committed to His children, but it's important to note here, that contrary to popular belief, not everyone is a child of God.  You are chosen for relationship with the Father, but you must choose to have a relationship with Jesus.  You can learn more about that here on my page, How to Receive Jesus."

Understanding that you are chosen by God can influence your life in ways you've never imagined.  God doesn't determine your worth by worldly standards.  You'll find your identity is in the Lord and not in worldly positions.  In Jesus, you will find belonging and purpose.

In the Bible, by worldly standards, David was not the obvious choice to be crowned the King of Israel.  Yet, he was chosen for this position by God.  

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because i have rejected him; for God does not see as man sees, since man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.  1 Samuel 16:7

When we feel unqualified for a certain job, assignment, task, or even a calling, let's remember that God sees beyond our earthly flaws and shortcomings.  Knowing we are chosen by God should give us the confidence to step into the roles God has chosen for us.

We need to remember that we are chosen not for our own benefit but for the purpose of glorifying God.  We can glorify God by serving others and sharing the gospel with them.  I recently saw a social media post by Lee Strobel.  I can't remember the exact phrase, but it was something like this:  "I'm thankful for all the people who brought me a lamp when I was living in darkness."  

Let's be a lamp for those living in darkness.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God:  You had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.  1 Peter 2:8-9

You are chosen.  Remember that you have a direct connection to God the Father, your Creator.  You are never alone, even in your moments of doubt.  God is with us, guiding us, and reminding us that we are part of His divine plan.

You are chosen, valued, and loved.  Let this truth inspire the way you live your life.

Recommended Resources:

The NIV Coloring Bible.  I have this Bible and I LOVE it!
NIV Coloring Bible
The NIV Coloring Bible is available here.  I LOVE this Bible.

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel is available here.

Now go, and live life abundantly in Him.

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You Are Chosen
You Are Chosen

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