Thursday, March 13, 2025

What Do Farmers Do in the Spring? (Activity Ideas for Kids)


What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)
What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)

What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?

Spring is an exciting time on the farm! As the weather warms up, farmers get busy preparing for the growing season. But what exactly do farmers do in the spring? Let’s explore some of the important jobs that happen on a farm during this time of year.

1. Preparing the Fields

One of the first things farmers do in the spring is get the fields ready for planting. After a long winter, the soil needs to be prepared for new crops. Farmers use tractors and special tools to break up the soil, remove weeds, and add nutrients. This helps seeds grow strong and healthy.

Teachers and parents: You can show children how farmers prepare soil by letting them dig in a garden or sandbox. Talk about how plants need good soil to grow!

Around the Farm 30-Button Animal Sound Book - Great for First Words
Around the Farm 30-Button Animal Sound Book - Great for First Words is available here.

2. Planting Seeds

Once the fields are ready, it’s time to plant seeds! Farmers grow many kinds of crops, like corn, wheat, and vegetables. Some farmers plant seeds using machines, while others plant by hand.

At home or in the classroom, kids can plant their own seeds in small pots or gardens. Watching a seed sprout and grow is a fun way to learn about farming!

Miracle GRO My First Root Viewer
The Miracle GRO My First Root Viewer is available here.

3. Taking Care of Baby Animals

Spring is also a time for new life on the farm! Many animals, like cows, sheep, and chickens, have babies in the spring. Farmers work hard to take care of these baby animals by making sure they have food, water, and a safe place to live.

Kids love learning about baby animals! You can read books about farm animals or visit a local farm to see them up close.

4. Fixing Fences and Farm Equipment

During the winter, fences and farm tools can get damaged. In the spring, farmers check their equipment and make repairs so everything works properly. They fix fences to keep animals safe and make sure tractors and other machines are ready for work.

A fun activity for children is to pretend to be farmers fixing things! They can use toy tools to “repair” fences made of blocks or craft sticks.

5. Watching the Weather

Farmers pay close attention to the weather in the spring. Too much rain can flood the fields, and not enough rain can make it hard for crops to grow. Farmers also look out for late frosts, which can harm young plants.

You can talk to kids about the weather by keeping a weather chart. Track sunny, rainy, and windy days to see how the weather changes in spring!

Why Is Spring Important for Farmers?

Spring is one of the busiest times of the year on a farm! Farmers work hard to grow the food we eat and take care of animals. By learning about farming, kids can understand where their food comes from and appreciate the hard work of farmers.

Want to bring farming fun to your home or classroom? Try planting a garden, visiting a farm, or reading books about farm life. Spring is the perfect time to explore the world of farming!

Here's a list of other activities you can do with your kids to teach them about what farmers do in the spring.

Farm Animals Matching Game Plus 25 More Activities for Building a Farm Animals Unit (Abundant Family Living)

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What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)
What Do Farmers Do in the Spring?  (Activity Ideas for Kids)

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Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money
Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

The rising costs of groceries and other things we need for daily living can make balancing our budgets challenging.  It's easy to get in the mindset of viewing money as a means to an end, but as believers, we are called to a higher standard.  Kingdom finances involve honoring God with our money, seeing it as a tool for His purposes rather than just a way to keep the bills paid.  When we change our mindset to see money as not our own, but God's money that He has given to us to steward, it can deepen our relationship with God.  Then we see our money as Kingdom Finances and we can live a lifestyle of honoring God with our money.

Understanding Kingdom Finances

Kingdom finances are rooted in Biblical principles that guide us in handling our money wisely and generously. The Bible emphasizes that everything we have ultimately belongs to God.  Acknowledging God as the owner of all gives us a different perspective on our wealth and resources.

The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who live in it. - Psalm 24:1

The Principle of Stewardship

At the heart of honoring God with our finances is the concept of stewardship. Stewardship means that we are not the ultimate owners of our resources; instead, we are caretakers. This mindset encourages us to manage our finances in ways that align with God’s will. Matthew 25:14-30 tells the parable of the talents, illustrating the importance of using our resources wisely and productively. When we view our finances through the lens of stewardship, we prioritize God's kingdom above our material desires.

For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey. The one who had received the five talents immediately went and did business with them, and earned five more talents. In the same way the one who had received the two talents earned two more. But he who received the one talent went away and dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master’s money.

“Now after a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. The one who had received the five talents came up and brought five more talents, saying, ‘Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have earned five more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter the joy of your master.’

“Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, ‘Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have earned two more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter the joy of your master.’

“Now the one who had received the one talent also came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed. And I was afraid, so I went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you still have what is yours.’

“But his master answered and said to him, ‘You worthless, lazy slave! Did you know that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter seed? Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest. Therefore: take the talent away from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.’

“For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. And throw the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Generosity as a Reflection of Faith

Honoring God with our money is not just about how we spend; it's also about how we give. Generosity is a reflection of our faith and trust in God’s provision. 2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver. Giving to the church and supporting those in need are tangible ways to demonstrate our commitment to honoring God with our resources. By practicing generosity, we align our hearts with God's priorities and help advance His Kingdom on earth.

Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Budgeting: Honoring God with Our Planning

Another practical aspect of Kingdom finances is budgeting. Creating a budget that reflects our values and priorities allows us to allocate our funds wisely. The Biblical principles of saving, investing, and spending thoughtfully can help ensure we honor God in our financial decisions. When we create a budget, we can set aside a portion for giving, a portion for savings, and ensure our spending aligns with our faith-based values.

Trusting God in Financial Decisions

It’s important to acknowledge that honoring God with our finances requires faith. In moments of financial uncertainty, we may be tempted to rely solely on our own understanding or resources. However, Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” By placing our trust in God, we can navigate our financial decisions confidently, knowing He is our ultimate provider.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Living with an Eternal Perspective

Finally, honoring God with our money requires an eternal perspective. Colossians 3:2 urges us to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. This perspective encourages us to invest in what truly matters: relationships, community, and the spreading of the Gospel. As we prioritize Kingdom investments over material gain, we cultivate a life that reflects God’s love and purpose.

Kingdom finances encompass more than managing money—they represent a lifestyle of worship and obedience. By embracing stewardship, practicing generosity, budgeting wisely, trusting God, and maintaining an eternal perspective, we truly honor God with our finances. Every financial choice we make holds the potential to glorify God and further His Kingdom.

Kingdom Finances Challenge: A 28-Day Devotional Journal

Kingdom Finances Challenge: A 28-Day Devotional Journal

Kingdom Finances Challenge: A 28-Day Devotional Journal

Welcome to the 28-Day Kingdom Finances Challenge!

In a world that often measures success by wealth and possessions, it’s easy to develop mindsets about money that are shaped more by culture than by Christ. But as faith-led entrepreneurs and believers, we are called to view finances through the lens of God’s Word—understanding that money is not the goal, but a tool for Kingdom impact.

This 28-day challenge is designed to help you align your finances with God’s principles, renew your mind about money, and take practical steps to steward your resources wisely.

Whether you’ve struggled with financial stress, uncertainty about how to manage what God has entrusted to you, or simply desire to deepen your understanding of Biblical wealth, this journey will help you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, from fear to faith, and from self-reliance to full dependence on God as your Provider.

Each day, you will receive:

✅ A Scripture focus to meditate on and apply

✅ A short reflection to challenge and renew your perspective

✅ A practical task to take action and implement Biblical financial stewardship

By the end of this challenge, you’ll not only have a clearer understanding of God's design for money, but you’ll also have taken meaningful steps toward financial alignment with His will—allowing you to experience greater peace, provision, and purpose in your business and personal life.

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Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money
Kingdom Finances: Honoring God with Our Money

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